diff --git a/cypher/convertQuery.go b/cypher/convertQuery.go
index 6c108a9a5fc2573b73e22fa62689b38281510653..e36d240efaf5a578049d51ee940f97a5e0620c78 100644
--- a/cypher/convertQuery.go
+++ b/cypher/convertQuery.go
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science a
 package cypher
 import (
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"strings"
@@ -20,224 +16,225 @@ ConvertQuery converts an IncomingQueryJSON object into AQL
 func (s *Service) ConvertQuery(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (*string, error) {
-	// Check to make sure all indexes exist
-	// How many entities are there
-	numEntities := len(JSONQuery.Entities) - 1
-	// How many relations there are
-	numRelations := len(JSONQuery.Relations) - 1
-	// Make sure no entity should be returned that is outside the range of that list
-	for _, e := range JSONQuery.Return.Entities {
-		// If this entity references an entity that is outside the range
-		if e > numEntities || e < 0 {
-			return nil, errors.New("non-existing entity referenced in return")
-		}
-	}
-	// Make sure that no relation mentions a non-existing entity
-	for _, r := range JSONQuery.Relations {
-		if r.EntityFrom > numEntities || r.EntityTo > numEntities {
-			return nil, errors.New("non-exisiting entity referenced in relation")
-		}
-	}
-	// Make sure no non-existing relation is tried to be returned
-	for _, r := range JSONQuery.Return.Relations {
-		if r > numRelations || r < 0 {
-			return nil, errors.New("non-existing relation referenced in return")
-		}
-	}
-	result := createQuery(JSONQuery)
-	return result, nil
-sliceContains checks if a slice contains the input
-	s: []int, the slice to check
-	e: int, what you're checking for
-	Return: bool, true if it contains 'e'
-func sliceContains(s []int, e int) bool {
-	for _, a := range s {
-		if a == e {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-/*TrimSuffix trims the final character of a string */
-func TrimSuffix(s, suffix string) string {
-	if strings.HasSuffix(s, suffix) {
-		s = s[:len(s)-len(suffix)]
-	}
-	return s
-createQuery generates a query based on the json file provided
-	JSONQuery: *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, jsonQuery is a parsedJSON struct holding all the data needed to form a query
-	Return: *string, a string containing the corresponding AQL query and an error
-func createQuery(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) *string {
-	// Note: Case #4, where there is an edge only query (without any entity), is not supported by frontend
-	// If a modifier is used, disable the limit
-	if len(JSONQuery.Modifiers) > 0 {
-		JSONQuery.Limit = -1
-	}
-	var (
-		relationsToReturn []string
-		nodesToReturn     []string
-		nodeUnion         string
-		relationUnion     string
-		queryList         [][][]int
-		entityList        []int
-		ret               string
-	)
-	for i, relation := range JSONQuery.Relations {
-		var contains bool
-		contains = false
-		for j := range queryList {
-			if sliceContains(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityFrom) || sliceContains(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityTo) {
-				if !sliceContains(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityFrom) {
-					queryList[j][0] = append(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityFrom)
-					entityList = append(entityList, relation.EntityFrom)
-				}
-				if !sliceContains(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityTo) {
-					queryList[j][0] = append(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityTo)
-					entityList = append(entityList, relation.EntityTo)
-				}
-				queryList[j][1] = append(queryList[j][1], i)
-				contains = true
-			}
-		}
-		if !contains {
-			queryList = append(queryList, [][]int{{relation.EntityFrom, relation.EntityTo}, {i}})
-		}
-	}
-	for i := range queryList {
-		//reset variables for the next query
-		nodeUnion = ""
-		relationUnion = ""
-		relationsToReturn = []string{}
-		for j, relationID := range queryList[i][1] {
-			relationName := fmt.Sprintf("r%v", j)
-			relation := JSONQuery.Relations[relationID]
-			pathName := fmt.Sprintf("p%v", j)
-			relationsToReturn = append(relationsToReturn, pathName)
-			if relation.EntityFrom >= 0 {
-				// if there is a from-node
-				// create the let for this node
-				fromName := fmt.Sprintf("n%v", relation.EntityFrom)
-				ret += *createNodeMatch(&JSONQuery.Entities[relation.EntityFrom], &fromName)
-				ret += *createRelationMatch(&relation, relationName, pathName, &JSONQuery.Entities, JSONQuery.Limit, true)
-			} else if relation.EntityTo >= 0 {
-				// if there is only a to-node
-				toName := fmt.Sprintf("n%v", relation.EntityTo)
-				ret += *createNodeMatch(&JSONQuery.Entities[relation.EntityTo], &toName)
-				ret += *createRelationMatch(&relation, relationName, pathName, &JSONQuery.Entities, JSONQuery.Limit, false)
-				// Add this relation to the list
-			} else {
-				fmt.Println("Relation-only queries are currently not supported")
-				continue
-			}
-		}
-		// Create UNION statements that create unique lists of all the nodes and relations
-		// Thus removing all duplicates
-		nodeUnion = "RETURN "
-		for _, entityID := range queryList[i][0] {
-			if sliceContains(JSONQuery.Return.Entities, entityID) {
-				nodeUnion += fmt.Sprintf("n%v,", entityID)
-			}
-		}
-		for _, relation := range relationsToReturn {
-			relationUnion += fmt.Sprintf("%v,", relation)
-		}
-		relationUnion = TrimSuffix(relationUnion, ",")
-		// hier zat een newline
-		ret += nodeUnion + relationUnion + "; "
-	}
-	nodeSet := make(map[int]bool)
-	for _, relation := range JSONQuery.Relations {
-		nodeSet[relation.EntityFrom] = true
-		nodeSet[relation.EntityTo] = true
-	}
-	// Check if the entities to return are already returned
-	for _, entityIndex := range JSONQuery.Return.Entities {
-		if !nodeSet[entityIndex] {
-			// If not, return this node
-			name := fmt.Sprintf("n%v", entityIndex)
-			ret += *createNodeMatch(&JSONQuery.Entities[entityIndex], &name)
-			// Add this node to the list
-			nodesToReturn = append(nodesToReturn, name)
-			ret += fmt.Sprintf("RETURN %v", name)
-		}
-	}
-	ret = TrimSuffix(ret, " ")
-	return &ret
+	// // Check to make sure all indexes exist
+	// // How many entities are there
+	// numEntities := len(JSONQuery.Entities) - 1
+	// // How many relations there are
+	// numRelations := len(JSONQuery.Relations) - 1
+	// // Make sure no entity should be returned that is outside the range of that list
+	// for _, e := range JSONQuery.Return.Entities {
+	// 	// If this entity references an entity that is outside the range
+	// 	if e > numEntities || e < 0 {
+	// 		return nil, errors.New("non-existing entity referenced in return")
+	// 	}
+	// }
+	// // Make sure that no relation mentions a non-existing entity
+	// for _, r := range JSONQuery.Relations {
+	// 	if r.EntityFrom > numEntities || r.EntityTo > numEntities {
+	// 		return nil, errors.New("non-exisiting entity referenced in relation")
+	// 	}
+	// }
+	// // Make sure no non-existing relation is tried to be returned
+	// for _, r := range JSONQuery.Return.Relations {
+	// 	if r > numRelations || r < 0 {
+	// 		return nil, errors.New("non-existing relation referenced in return")
+	// 	}
+	// }
+	// result := createQuery(JSONQuery)
+	// return result, nil
+	return nil, nil
-createNodeLet generates a 'LET' statement for a node related query
-	node: *entity.QueryEntityStruct, node is an entityStruct containing the information of a single node,
-	name: *string, is the autogenerated name of the node consisting of "n" + the index of the node
-	Return: *string, a string containing a single LET-statement in AQL
-func createNodeMatch(node *entity.QueryEntityStruct, name *string) *string {
-	// hier zat een newline
-	header := fmt.Sprintf("MATCH (%v:%v) ", *name, node.Type)
-	constraints := *createConstraintStatements(&node.Constraints, *name)
-	ret := header + constraints
-	return &ret
-createRelationLetWithFromEntity generates a 'LET' statement for relations with an 'EntityFrom' property and optionally an 'EntitiyTo' property
-	relation: *entity.QueryRelationStruct, relation is a relation struct containing the information of a single relation,
-	relationName: string, is the name of the relation, is the autogenerated name of the node consisting of "r" + the index of the relation,
-	pathName: string, is the path of the name,
-	entities: *[]entity.QueryEntityStruct, is a list of entityStructs that are needed to form the relation LET-statement
-	limit: int, the limit for the number of nodes to return
-	outbound: bool, checks if the relation is inbound or outbound
-	Return: *string, a string containing a single LET-statement in AQL
-func createRelationMatch(relation *entity.QueryRelationStruct, relationName string, pathName string, entities *[]entity.QueryEntityStruct, limit int, outbound bool) *string {
-	relationReturn := ""
-	var relationBounds int
-	if outbound {
-		relationReturn = fmt.Sprintf("MATCH %v = (n%v)-[%v:%v*%v..%v]->(", pathName, relation.EntityFrom, relationName, relation.Type, relation.Depth.Min, relation.Depth.Max)
-		relationBounds = relation.EntityTo
-	} else {
-		relationReturn = fmt.Sprintf("MATCH %v = (n%v)-[%v:%v*%v..%v]->(", pathName, relation.EntityTo, relationName, relation.Type, relation.Depth.Min, relation.Depth.Max)
-		relationBounds = relation.EntityFrom
-	}
-	if relationBounds != -1 {
-		relationReturn += fmt.Sprintf("n%v", relationBounds)
-	}
-	relationReturn += ")"
-	constraintReturn := *createConstraintStatements(&relation.Constraints, relationName)
-	// hier zat een newline
-	ret := relationReturn + " " + constraintReturn
-	return &ret
+// /*
+// sliceContains checks if a slice contains the input
+// 	s: []int, the slice to check
+// 	e: int, what you're checking for
+// 	Return: bool, true if it contains 'e'
+// */
+// func sliceContains(s []int, e int) bool {
+// 	for _, a := range s {
+// 		if a == e {
+// 			return true
+// 		}
+// 	}
+// 	return false
+// }
+// /*TrimSuffix trims the final character of a string */
+// func TrimSuffix(s, suffix string) string {
+// 	if strings.HasSuffix(s, suffix) {
+// 		s = s[:len(s)-len(suffix)]
+// 	}
+// 	return s
+// }
+// /*
+// createQuery generates a query based on the json file provided
+// 	JSONQuery: *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, jsonQuery is a parsedJSON struct holding all the data needed to form a query
+// 	Return: *string, a string containing the corresponding AQL query and an error
+// */
+// func createQuery(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) *string {
+// 	// Note: Case #4, where there is an edge only query (without any entity), is not supported by frontend
+// 	// If a modifier is used, disable the limit
+// 	if len(JSONQuery.Modifiers) > 0 {
+// 		JSONQuery.Limit = -1
+// 	}
+// 	var (
+// 		relationsToReturn []string
+// 		nodesToReturn     []string
+// 		nodeUnion         string
+// 		relationUnion     string
+// 		queryList         [][][]int
+// 		entityList        []int
+// 		ret               string
+// 	)
+// 	for i, relation := range JSONQuery.Relations {
+// 		var contains bool
+// 		contains = false
+// 		for j := range queryList {
+// 			if sliceContains(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityFrom) || sliceContains(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityTo) {
+// 				if !sliceContains(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityFrom) {
+// 					queryList[j][0] = append(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityFrom)
+// 					entityList = append(entityList, relation.EntityFrom)
+// 				}
+// 				if !sliceContains(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityTo) {
+// 					queryList[j][0] = append(queryList[j][0], relation.EntityTo)
+// 					entityList = append(entityList, relation.EntityTo)
+// 				}
+// 				queryList[j][1] = append(queryList[j][1], i)
+// 				contains = true
+// 			}
+// 		}
+// 		if !contains {
+// 			queryList = append(queryList, [][]int{{relation.EntityFrom, relation.EntityTo}, {i}})
+// 		}
+// 	}
+// 	for i := range queryList {
+// 		//reset variables for the next query
+// 		nodeUnion = ""
+// 		relationUnion = ""
+// 		relationsToReturn = []string{}
+// 		for j, relationID := range queryList[i][1] {
+// 			relationName := fmt.Sprintf("r%v", j)
+// 			relation := JSONQuery.Relations[relationID]
+// 			pathName := fmt.Sprintf("p%v", j)
+// 			relationsToReturn = append(relationsToReturn, pathName)
+// 			if relation.EntityFrom >= 0 {
+// 				// if there is a from-node
+// 				// create the let for this node
+// 				fromName := fmt.Sprintf("n%v", relation.EntityFrom)
+// 				ret += *createNodeMatch(&JSONQuery.Entities[relation.EntityFrom], &fromName)
+// 				ret += *createRelationMatch(&relation, relationName, pathName, &JSONQuery.Entities, JSONQuery.Limit, true)
+// 			} else if relation.EntityTo >= 0 {
+// 				// if there is only a to-node
+// 				toName := fmt.Sprintf("n%v", relation.EntityTo)
+// 				ret += *createNodeMatch(&JSONQuery.Entities[relation.EntityTo], &toName)
+// 				ret += *createRelationMatch(&relation, relationName, pathName, &JSONQuery.Entities, JSONQuery.Limit, false)
+// 				// Add this relation to the list
+// 			} else {
+// 				fmt.Println("Relation-only queries are currently not supported")
+// 				continue
+// 			}
+// 		}
+// 		// Create UNION statements that create unique lists of all the nodes and relations
+// 		// Thus removing all duplicates
+// 		nodeUnion = "RETURN "
+// 		for _, entityID := range queryList[i][0] {
+// 			if sliceContains(JSONQuery.Return.Entities, entityID) {
+// 				nodeUnion += fmt.Sprintf("n%v,", entityID)
+// 			}
+// 		}
+// 		for _, relation := range relationsToReturn {
+// 			relationUnion += fmt.Sprintf("%v,", relation)
+// 		}
+// 		relationUnion = TrimSuffix(relationUnion, ",")
+// 		// hier zat een newline
+// 		ret += nodeUnion + relationUnion + "; "
+// 	}
+// 	nodeSet := make(map[int]bool)
+// 	for _, relation := range JSONQuery.Relations {
+// 		nodeSet[relation.EntityFrom] = true
+// 		nodeSet[relation.EntityTo] = true
+// 	}
+// 	// Check if the entities to return are already returned
+// 	for _, entityIndex := range JSONQuery.Return.Entities {
+// 		if !nodeSet[entityIndex] {
+// 			// If not, return this node
+// 			name := fmt.Sprintf("n%v", entityIndex)
+// 			ret += *createNodeMatch(&JSONQuery.Entities[entityIndex], &name)
+// 			// Add this node to the list
+// 			nodesToReturn = append(nodesToReturn, name)
+// 			ret += fmt.Sprintf("RETURN %v", name)
+// 		}
+// 	}
+// 	ret = TrimSuffix(ret, " ")
+// 	return &ret
+// }
+// /*
+// createNodeLet generates a 'LET' statement for a node related query
+// 	node: *entity.QueryEntityStruct, node is an entityStruct containing the information of a single node,
+// 	name: *string, is the autogenerated name of the node consisting of "n" + the index of the node
+// 	Return: *string, a string containing a single LET-statement in AQL
+// */
+// func createNodeMatch(node *entity.QueryEntityStruct, name *string) *string {
+// 	// hier zat een newline
+// 	header := fmt.Sprintf("MATCH (%v:%v) ", *name, node.Type)
+// 	constraints := *createConstraintStatements(&node.Constraints, *name)
+// 	ret := header + constraints
+// 	return &ret
+// }
+// /*
+// createRelationLetWithFromEntity generates a 'LET' statement for relations with an 'EntityFrom' property and optionally an 'EntitiyTo' property
+// 	relation: *entity.QueryRelationStruct, relation is a relation struct containing the information of a single relation,
+// 	relationName: string, is the name of the relation, is the autogenerated name of the node consisting of "r" + the index of the relation,
+// 	pathName: string, is the path of the name,
+// 	entities: *[]entity.QueryEntityStruct, is a list of entityStructs that are needed to form the relation LET-statement
+// 	limit: int, the limit for the number of nodes to return
+// 	outbound: bool, checks if the relation is inbound or outbound
+// 	Return: *string, a string containing a single LET-statement in AQL
+// */
+// func createRelationMatch(relation *entity.QueryRelationStruct, relationName string, pathName string, entities *[]entity.QueryEntityStruct, limit int, outbound bool) *string {
+// 	relationReturn := ""
+// 	var relationBounds int
+// 	if outbound {
+// 		relationReturn = fmt.Sprintf("MATCH %v = (n%v)-[%v:%v*%v..%v]->(", pathName, relation.EntityFrom, relationName, relation.Type, relation.Depth.Min, relation.Depth.Max)
+// 		relationBounds = relation.EntityTo
+// 	} else {
+// 		relationReturn = fmt.Sprintf("MATCH %v = (n%v)-[%v:%v*%v..%v]->(", pathName, relation.EntityTo, relationName, relation.Type, relation.Depth.Min, relation.Depth.Max)
+// 		relationBounds = relation.EntityFrom
+// 	}
+// 	if relationBounds != -1 {
+// 		relationReturn += fmt.Sprintf("n%v", relationBounds)
+// 	}
+// 	relationReturn += ")"
+// 	constraintReturn := *createConstraintStatements(&relation.Constraints, relationName)
+// 	// hier zat een newline
+// 	ret := relationReturn + " " + constraintReturn
+// 	return &ret
+// }
diff --git a/cypher/convertQueryNew.go b/cypher/convertQueryNew.go
index 151a4b9fd2df04154c97fa24fe8743fd5b720173..734a93eba6c38536bef1e16b89921b43bf08548a 100644
--- a/cypher/convertQueryNew.go
+++ b/cypher/convertQueryNew.go
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 package cypher
 import (
+	"errors"
@@ -47,16 +48,12 @@ func (s *Service) ConvertQuery2(totalJSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (*stri
 	// else:
 	// Code that checks to see if the disconnected pieces are valid queries
 	// code that builds the queries
-// Very placeholdery
-func magicHierarchyFunction(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) []pdictList {
-	return nil
+	return nil, nil
 // createCypher creates queries without the return statement, due to the possibility of multiple disconnected queries
 func createCypher(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) *string {
-	queryHierarchy := magicHierarchyFunction(JSONQuery)
+	//queryHierarchy := magicHierarchyFunction(JSONQuery)
 		Match (deel 1)
@@ -67,24 +64,21 @@ func createCypher(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) *string {
 		Dan weer door
+	return nil
 // createReturnStatement creates the final return statement, connecting all previous cypher together
 func createReturnStatement(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) *string {
 	// Hier dus weer de vraag of dingen boven een GROUP BY gereturned dienen te worden Lijkt mij niet
-func createFilterStatement(filter *entity.QueryFilterStruct) *string {
-	// Ik neem aan dat de 'r0 = relationships(p0)' al reeds gedeclared is
+	return nil
 type queryPart struct {
 	qType        string // Eg if it is a relation or groupby
 	qID          int    // ID of said relation/gb
-	partID       int    // Custom ID used for dependancy
-	dependancies []int  // List of partID's that need to come before
+	partID       int    // Custom ID used for dependency
+	dependencies []int  // List of partID's that need to come before
 type query []queryPart
@@ -98,11 +92,23 @@ func (q query) find(qID int, qType string) *queryPart {
 	return nil
-func createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) {
+func (q query) selectByID(ID int) *queryPart {
+	for _, part := range q {
+		if part.partID == ID {
+			return &part
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (query, error) {
 	// Pak de relations met de entities samen, en vorm groepjes van ent-rel-ent
-	// Als A-rel-B-rel-C, dan wordt dat A-rel-B en B-rel-C, waarbij BC na AB moet komen, dus BC _depends_ on AC
+	// Als A-rel-B-rel-C, dan wordt dat A-rel-B en B-rel-C, waarbij BC na AB moet komen, dus BC _depends_ on AB
 	// Idee is dat je de hele lijst achterstevoren door kan lopen en dat je eerst een depend tegen komt en daarna het gene waarop gedepend wordt
+	// maar is wat lastiger omdat dat wat extra checks vergt
 	var parts query
 	IDctr := 0
@@ -112,7 +118,7 @@ func createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) {
 			qType:        "relation",
 			qID:          rel.ID,
 			partID:       IDctr,
-			dependancies: make([]int, 0),
+			dependencies: make([]int, 0),
 		parts = append(parts, part)
@@ -125,7 +131,7 @@ func createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) {
 			qType:        "groupBy",
 			qID:          gb.ID,
 			partID:       IDctr,
-			dependancies: make([]int, 0),
+			dependencies: make([]int, 0),
 		parts = append(parts, part)
@@ -133,13 +139,13 @@ func createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) {
-	// Check dependancies in a nice O(n^2)
+	// Check dependencies in a nice O(n^2)
 	for _, rel := range JSONQuery.Relations {
 		if rel.FromID == -1 {
-		// Check the dependancies From - To
+		// Check the dependencies From - To
 		for _, rela := range JSONQuery.Relations {
 			if rela.ToID == -1 {
@@ -147,7 +153,7 @@ func createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) {
 			if rel.FromID == rela.ToID && rel.FromType == "relation" {
 				part := parts.find(rel.ID, "relation")
-				part.dependancies = append(part.dependancies, parts.find(rela.ID, "relation").partID)
+				part.dependencies = append(part.dependencies, parts.find(rela.ID, "relation").partID)
@@ -160,7 +166,7 @@ func createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) {
 		for _, gb := range JSONQuery.GroupBys {
 			if (rel.FromID == gb.ID && rel.FromType == "groupBy") || (rel.ToID == gb.ID && rel.ToType == "groupBy") {
 				part := parts.find(rel.ID, "relation")
-				part.dependancies = append(part.dependancies, parts.find(gb.ID, "groupBy").partID)
+				part.dependencies = append(part.dependencies, parts.find(gb.ID, "groupBy").partID)
@@ -174,26 +180,89 @@ func createQueryHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) {
 				((gb.ByID == rela.FromID || gb.ByID == rela.ToID) && gb.ByType == "entity") || // Is the by connected to an entity connected to the relation
 				((gb.GroupID == rela.FromID || gb.GroupID == rela.ToID) && gb.GroupType == "entity") { // Is the Group connected to an entity connected to the relation
 				part := parts.find(gb.ID, "groupBy")
-				part.dependancies = append(part.dependancies, parts.find(rela.ID, "relation").partID)
+				part.dependencies = append(part.dependencies, parts.find(rela.ID, "relation").partID)
+			}
+		}
+		// Not sure if this is even possible, but hey who knows
+		// Check to see if the gb is connected to another gb
+		for _, grb := range JSONQuery.GroupBys {
+			if gb.ID == grb.ID {
+				continue
+			}
+			if (gb.GroupID == grb.ID && gb.GroupType == "groupBy") || (gb.ByID == grb.ID && gb.ByType == "groupBy") {
+				part := parts.find(gb.ID, "groupBy")
+				part.dependencies = append(part.dependencies, parts.find(grb.ID, "groupBy").partID)
+	}
+	// Now we have a directed graph, meaning we can use some topological sort (Kahn's algorithm)
+	var sortedQuery query
+	incomingEdges := make(map[int]int)
+	// Set all to 0
+	for _, p := range parts {
+		incomingEdges[p.partID] = 0
+	}
+	// Count the incoming edges (dependencies)
+	for _, p := range parts {
+		for _, dp := range p.dependencies {
+			incomingEdges[dp]++
+		}
-	// ** MODIFIERS?
+	for { // While there is a someone where incomingEdges[someone] == 0
+		part := queryPart{partID: -1}
+		// Select a node with no incoming edges
+		for ID, edges := range incomingEdges {
+			if edges == 0 {
+				part = *parts.selectByID(ID)
+			}
+		}
+		// Check to see if there are parts withouth incoming edges left
+		if part.partID == -1 {
+			break
+		}
+		// Remove it from the set
+		incomingEdges[part.partID] = -1
+		sortedQuery = append(sortedQuery, part)
+		// Decrease incoming edges of other parts
+		for _, ID := range part.dependencies {
+			incomingEdges[ID]--
+		}
+	}
+	// Now check for cycles in the graph
+	partRemaining := false
+	for _, edges := range incomingEdges {
+		if edges != -1 {
+			partRemaining = true
+		}
+	}
+	if partRemaining {
+		// Somehow there was a cycle in the query,
+		return nil, errors.New("Cyclic query detected")
+	}
+	return sortedQuery, nil
+	// maar is wat lastiger omdat dat wat extra checks vergt
 	// Maak van alle rels en gb's een query part
-	// Loop door alle rels heen en kijk of hun FROM een TO is van een andere rel --> dependancy
-	// Als de from of de to een Group by is, dan is ie ook direct dependant
+	// Loop door alle rels heen en kijk of hun FROM een TO is van een andere rel --> dependency
+	// Als de from of de to een Group by is, dan is ie ook direct dependent
 	// Als een GB aan een relation (A) zit, komen alle andere relations die aan A vastzitten ook eerst
 	// ** Het geval van wanneer een entity vast zit aan een group by? via een IN?
-	// Returned I guess een list van query parts met de dependancies naar beneden zodat je van boven naar beneden de lijst kan doorlopen
+	// Returned I guess een list van query parts met de dependencies naar beneden zodat je van boven naar beneden de lijst kan doorlopen
 	// om de query te maken
-	// Na dit, dus tijdens het maken van de query per relation/group by kijken of er een filter op een van de connections zit
-	// Zie namelijk niet een practisch nut om nu al de filters hierin te stoppen, want ze kunnen vgm maar op 1 manier
-	// ** CONTROLEER HOE EEN FILTER WERKT OP EEN RELATION ALLEEN, want dan leeft ie nml niet op een connectie
diff --git a/cypher/convertQueryNew_test.go b/cypher/convertQueryNew_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f58479ee16690ba3414f597e7d8096abaebb7dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypher/convertQueryNew_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+package cypher
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"testing"
+	"git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion/entity"
+func Test1(t *testing.T) {
+	query := []byte(`{
+		"databaseName": "Movies3",
+		"return": {
+			"entities": [
+				0,
+				1,
+				2
+			],
+			"relations": [
+				0,
+				1
+			],
+			"groupBys": [
+				0
+			]
+		},
+		"entities": [
+			{
+				"id": 0,
+				"type": "Person",
+				"constraints": [
+				{
+					"attribute": "name",
+					"value": "Raymond Campbell",
+					"dataType": "string",
+					"matchType": "EQ",
+					"inID": -1,
+					"inType": ""
+				}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"id": 1,
+				"type": "Movie",
+				"constraints": []
+			},
+			{
+				"id": 2,
+				"type": "Genre",
+				"constraints": []
+			}
+		],
+		"relations": [
+			{
+				"id": 0,
+				"name": "DIRECTED",
+				"depth": {
+					"min": 1,
+					"max": 1
+				},
+				"fromType": "entity",
+				"fromID": 0,
+				"toType": "entity",
+				"toID": 1,
+				"constraints": []
+			},
+			{
+				"id": 1,
+				"name": "IN_GENRE",
+				"depth": {
+					"min": 1,
+					"max": 1
+				},
+				"fromType": "groupBy",
+				"fromID": 0,
+				"toType": "entity",
+				"toID": 2,
+				"constraints": []
+			}
+		],
+		"groupBys": [
+			{
+				"id": 0,
+				"groupType": "entity",
+				"groupID": 0,
+				"groupAttribute": "age??????",
+				"byType": "entity",
+				"byID": 1,
+				"byAttribute": "ID????????",
+				"appliedModifier": "AVG",
+				"relationID": 0,
+				"constraints": []
+			}
+		],
+		"machineLearning": [],
+		"limit": 5000
+	}`)
+	var JSONQuery entity.IncomingQueryJSON
+	err := json.Unmarshal(query, &JSONQuery)
+	hierarchy, err := createQueryHierarchy(&JSONQuery)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Println(err)
+	}
+	fmt.Println(hierarchy)
+	t.Fail()
diff --git a/cypher/healthChecks.go b/cypher/healthChecks.go
index 14a7b3a0186f97bca3523fd9f9d90f28fbc0c1cc..1502b53a35775f21ce16f37f1f8da8c3dd048028 100644
--- a/cypher/healthChecks.go
+++ b/cypher/healthChecks.go
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ func checkForQueryCluster(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (*entity.Incoming
 	// Dit is het startpunt van de cluster, vrij veel if elses ivm half afgemaakte queries
 	// Lots of existance checks
 	if len(JSONQuery.Relations) > 0 {
+		fmt.Println("he")
 		rel := fmt.Sprintf("r%v", JSONQuery.Relations[0].ID)
 		cluster[rel] = true
@@ -78,11 +79,7 @@ func checkForQueryCluster(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (*entity.Incoming
 		by := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", JSONQuery.GroupBys[0].ByType[0], JSONQuery.GroupBys[0].ByID)
 		cluster[by] = true
-	} else if len(JSONQuery.Modifiers) > 0 {
-		// I guess dat je ook een enkele entity met bepaalde constraints kan tellen ofzo? of kan averagen
-		// TODO
 	// Relation toevoegen aan de map
 	// Is er geen relation doe dan groupby
 	// is die er ook niet dan rip
@@ -135,6 +132,25 @@ func checkForQueryCluster(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (*entity.Incoming
 				stop = false
+			// Check to see if an entity is connected to the cluster via an 'IN'
+			for _, ent := range JSONQuery.Entities {
+				self := fmt.Sprintf("e%v", ent.ID)
+				if cluster[self] {
+					continue
+				}
+				for _, con := range ent.Constraints {
+					if con.InID != -1 {
+						in := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", con.InType[0], con.InID)
+						if cluster[in] {
+							cluster[self] = true
+							stop = false
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
 		// Now the same for Group by's
@@ -217,20 +233,6 @@ func checkForQueryCluster(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (*entity.Incoming
 	// ** Loop through modifiers
-	// Loop through filters
-	// Filters were not done in the clustering, since they live on top of a connection, meaning they do not extend the cluster
-	// This also means that if a From or a To is in the cluster, the other (and thus the filter) is in the cluster as well
-	for _, filter := range JSONQuery.Filters {
-		from := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", filter.FromType[0], filter.FromID)
-		if cluster[from] {
-			clusterJSON.Filters = append(clusterJSON.Filters, filter)
-		} else {
-			restJSON.Filters = append(restJSON.Filters, filter)
-			isRest = true
-		}
-	}
 	return &clusterJSON, &restJSON, isRest
 	// Nadat cluster is gevonden: maak twee nieuwe jsons aan: cluster en rest
diff --git a/cypher/hierarchy.go b/cypher/hierarchy.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b21b4d3e16b5b4c07d9da0f3e0d239a9a3a32092..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cypher/hierarchy.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-// Want global scope vars, YIKES
-package cypher
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"strconv"
-	"git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion/entity"
-type pdict struct {
-	typename string
-	pointer  int
-type pdictList []pdict
-func (p pdictList) Len() int {
-	return len(p)
-func (p pdictList) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	if p[i].typename < p[j].typename {
-		return true
-	} else if p[i].typename == p[j].typename && p[i].pointer < p[j].pointer {
-		return true
-	} else {
-		return false
-	}
-func (p pdictList) Swap(i, j int) {
-	p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]
-var listoflists []pdictList
-var reldone map[int]bool
-var entdone map[int]bool
-var funcdone map[int]bool
-var relfuncdone map[int]bool
-var filterDone map[int]bool
-func search(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, index int) {
-	listoflists = []pdictList{}
-	reldone = make(map[int]bool)
-	entdone = make(map[int]bool)
-	funcdone = make(map[int]bool)
-	relfuncdone = make(map[int]bool)
-	filterDone = make(map[int]bool)
-	var s pdictList
-	//printSlice(s)
-	//layercounter = 0
-	initent := pdict{
-		typename: "entity",
-		pointer:  index,
-	}
-	s = append(s, initent)
-	listoflists = append(listoflists, s)
-	EntToRel(JSONQuery, initent)
-	for i := range listoflists {
-		for j := range listoflists[i] {
-			fmt.Println(listoflists[i][j])
-		}
-		fmt.Println("")
-	}
-	AddFilters(JSONQuery)
-	fmt.Println(listoflists)
-RelToEnt Get the entities connected to a relation and recursivly constructs part of the hierarchy
-Entities always get added IN FRONT OF their respective relation in the hierarchy
-	JSONQuery: *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, the query in JSON format
-	rel: pdict, the relation to find all connected entities for
-func RelToEnt(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, rel pdict) {
-	var newlist pdictList
-	layercounter := FindCurrentLayer(listoflists, rel)
-	// Loop over all entities
-	// If an entity is already in the entdone dict we already added it to the hierarchy, so we don't have to add it again
-	// If an entity matches either the from or to in a relation we can add it to the newlist
-	for i := range JSONQuery.Entities {
-		if _, ok := entdone[i]; !ok {
-			if JSONQuery.Relations[rel.pointer].FromID == i && JSONQuery.Relations[rel.pointer].FromType == "entity" {
-				fromentity := pdict{
-					typename: "entity",
-					pointer:  i,
-				}
-				newlist = append(newlist, fromentity)
-			} else if JSONQuery.Relations[rel.pointer].ToID == i && JSONQuery.Relations[rel.pointer].ToType == "entity" {
-				toentity := pdict{
-					typename: "entity",
-					pointer:  i,
-				}
-				newlist = append(newlist, toentity)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// This relation has found all its entities so we can set it's ID to true
-	reldone[rel.pointer] = true
-	// If the newlist is empty, we can just skip the recursion
-	// This is effectively our base case
-	if len(newlist) != 0 {
-		// If our layercounter is equal to 0 we are in the first "layer" of the hierarchy
-		// Because we add the entities IN FRONT OF their respective relation we don't have to move the layercounter before prepending
-		// If our layercounter is not equal to 0 we lower the layercounter and then add each item to the newly selected layer
-		if layercounter == 0 {
-			listoflists = prepend(listoflists, newlist)
-			fmt.Println("RelToEnt Layercounter 0 prepend entity")
-		} else {
-			layercounter--
-			for i := range newlist {
-				listoflists[layercounter] = append(listoflists[layercounter], newlist[i])
-				fmt.Println("RelToEnt Layercounter " + strconv.Itoa(layercounter) + " append to layer above us, appending type: " + newlist[i].typename + " with pointer: " + strconv.Itoa(newlist[i].pointer))
-			}
-		}
-		// After getting a list of entities we can only go towards a list of relation
-		// So we recurse by calling EntToRel
-		for i := range newlist {
-			fmt.Println("EntToRel being called with index?: " + strconv.Itoa(newlist[i].pointer))
-			EntToRel(JSONQuery, newlist[i])
-		}
-	}
-EntToRel Get the relations connected to a entity and recursivly constructs part of the hierarchy
-Relation always get added BEHIND their respective entity in the hierarchy
-	JSONQuery: *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, the query in JSON format
-	ent: pdict, the entity to find all connected relations for
-func EntToRel(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, ent pdict) {
-	var newlist pdictList
-	layercounter := FindCurrentLayer(listoflists, ent)
-	// Loop over all relations
-	// If a relation is already in the reldone dict we already added it to the hierarchy, so we don't have to add it again
-	// If a relation matches either the from or to with the entity we can add it to the newlist
-	for i := range JSONQuery.Relations {
-		if _, ok := reldone[i]; !ok {
-			if JSONQuery.Relations[i].FromID == ent.pointer && JSONQuery.Relations[i].FromType == "entity" {
-				rel := pdict{
-					typename: "relation",
-					pointer:  i,
-				}
-				newlist = append(newlist, rel)
-			} else if JSONQuery.Relations[i].ToID == ent.pointer && JSONQuery.Relations[i].ToType == "entity" {
-				rel := pdict{
-					typename: "relation",
-					pointer:  i,
-				}
-				newlist = append(newlist, rel)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// This entity has found all its relations so we can set it's ID to true
-	entdone[ent.pointer] = true
-	if len(newlist) != 0 {
-		// If our layercounter is equal to the length of the hierarchy - 1 we are in the last "layer" of the hierarchy
-		// Because we add the relations BEHIND their respective entities we don't have to move the layercounter before appending
-		// If our layercounter is any other value we increase the layercounter and then add each item to the newly selected layer
-		if layercounter == len(listoflists)-1 {
-			listoflists = append(listoflists, newlist)
-			layercounter++
-			fmt.Println("EntToRel Layercounter last appending below: type relation")
-		} else {
-			layercounter++
-			for i := range newlist {
-				listoflists[layercounter] = append(listoflists[layercounter], newlist[i])
-				fmt.Println("EntToRel Layercounter " + strconv.Itoa(layercounter) + " append to layer below us, appending type: " + newlist[i].typename + " with pointer: " + strconv.Itoa(newlist[i].pointer))
-			}
-		}
-		// After getting a list of relations we can only go towards a list of entities or a list of functions
-		// So we recurse by calling RelToEnt and RelToAllFunc
-		for i := range newlist {
-			fmt.Println("RelToEnt being called with index?: " + strconv.Itoa(newlist[i].pointer))
-			RelToEnt(JSONQuery, newlist[i])
-			fmt.Println("RelToAllFunc being called with index?: " + strconv.Itoa(newlist[i].pointer))
-			RelToAllFunc(JSONQuery, newlist[i])
-		}
-	}
-RelToAllFunc Get the functions connected (both functions that are applied to a subquery a relation is a part of and functions the relation is connected to itself)
- to a relation and recursivly constructs part of the hierarchy
-If a function is applied to a subquery the relation is a part of, we add it BEHIND its respective relation
-If a function is connected to a relation (relation uses the results from the function), we add it IN FRONT OF its respective relation
-	JSONQuery: *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, the query in JSON format
-	rel: pdict, the relation to find all connected functions for
-func RelToAllFunc(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, rel pdict) {
-	var funcappliedtosubquery pdictList
-	var functowhichrelapplies pdictList
-	layercounter := FindCurrentLayer(listoflists, rel)
-	// Loop over all functions
-	// If a relation is already in the relfuncdone dict we already added it to the hierarchy, so we don't have to add it again
-	// If a function's relationID matches the current relation then the function is applied to a subquery
-	// If the relation's functionpointer matches a function's ID then the relation is connected to the function
-	// Depending on the case they get put in a different list and are put in different places in the hierarchy
-	for i := range JSONQuery.GroupBys {
-		if _, ok := relfuncdone[rel.pointer]; !ok {
-			if _, ok := funcdone[i]; !ok {
-				if JSONQuery.GroupBys[i].RelationID == rel.pointer {
-					relfunc := pdict{
-						typename: "groupBy",
-						pointer:  i,
-					}
-					funcappliedtosubquery = append(funcappliedtosubquery, relfunc)
-					fmt.Println("I AM HERE 1")
-				}
-				if JSONQuery.Relations[rel.pointer].FromID == i && JSONQuery.Relations[rel.pointer].FromType == "groupBy" {
-					fromfunc := pdict{
-						typename: "groupBy",
-						pointer:  i,
-					}
-					functowhichrelapplies = append(functowhichrelapplies, fromfunc)
-					fmt.Println("I AM HERE 2")
-				} else if JSONQuery.Relations[rel.pointer].ToID == i && JSONQuery.Relations[rel.pointer].ToType == "groupBy" {
-					tofunc := pdict{
-						typename: "groupBy",
-						pointer:  i,
-					}
-					functowhichrelapplies = append(functowhichrelapplies, tofunc)
-					fmt.Println("I AM HERE 3")
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	relfuncdone[rel.pointer] = true
-	layercountertwo := layercounter
-	layercounterthree := layercounter
-	// See main function comment to see which sublist gets put where in the hierarchy
-	if len(functowhichrelapplies) != 0 {
-		if layercountertwo == 0 {
-			listoflists = prepend(listoflists, functowhichrelapplies)
-			fmt.Println("RellToAllFunc Layercounter 0 prepend, prepending functowhichrelapplies")
-		} else {
-			layercountertwo--
-			for i := range functowhichrelapplies {
-				listoflists[layercountertwo] = append(listoflists[layercountertwo], functowhichrelapplies[i])
-				fmt.Println("RellToAllFunc Layercounter " + strconv.Itoa(layercountertwo) + " append to layer below us, appending type: " + functowhichrelapplies[i].typename + " with pointer: " + strconv.Itoa(functowhichrelapplies[i].pointer))
-			}
-		}
-		for i := range functowhichrelapplies {
-			fmt.Println("FuncToAllRell being called with index?: " + strconv.Itoa(functowhichrelapplies[i].pointer))
-			FuncToAllRel(JSONQuery, functowhichrelapplies[i])
-		}
-	}
-	if len(funcappliedtosubquery) != 0 {
-		//newlayercounter := layercounter
-		if layercounterthree == len(listoflists)-1 {
-			listoflists = append(listoflists, funcappliedtosubquery)
-			layercounterthree++
-			fmt.Println("RellToAllFunc Layercounter last prepend, appending funcappliedtosubquery")
-		} else {
-			layercounterthree++
-			for i := range funcappliedtosubquery {
-				listoflists[layercounterthree] = append(listoflists[layercounterthree], funcappliedtosubquery[i])
-				fmt.Println("RellToAllFunc Layercounter " + strconv.Itoa(layercounterthree) + " append to layer below us, appending type: " + funcappliedtosubquery[i].typename + " with pointer: " + strconv.Itoa(funcappliedtosubquery[i].pointer))
-			}
-		}
-		for i := range funcappliedtosubquery {
-			fmt.Println("FuncToAllRel being called with index?: " + strconv.Itoa(funcappliedtosubquery[i].pointer))
-			FuncToAllRel(JSONQuery, funcappliedtosubquery[i])
-		}
-	}
-FuncToAllRel Get the relations connected (both relations that are in a subquery a function is applied to and relations that are connected to the function itself)
- to a function and recursivly constructs part of the hierarchy
-If a relation is in a subquery that the function is applied to, we add the relation IN FRONT OF its respective function
-If a relation is connected to a function, we add the relation BEHIND its respective function
-	JSONQuery: *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, the query in JSON format
-	function: pdict, the function to find all connected relations for
-func FuncToAllRel(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, function pdict) {
-	var funcappliedtosubquery pdictList
-	var relattachedtofunc pdictList
-	layercounter := FindCurrentLayer(listoflists, function)
-	for i := range JSONQuery.Relations {
-		if _, ok := funcdone[function.pointer]; !ok {
-			if _, ok := relfuncdone[i]; !ok {
-				// The func is attached to this relation
-				if JSONQuery.GroupBys[function.pointer].RelationID == i {
-					funcrel := pdict{
-						typename: "relation",
-						pointer:  i,
-					}
-					funcappliedtosubquery = append(funcappliedtosubquery, funcrel)
-				}
-				if JSONQuery.Relations[i].FromID == function.pointer && JSONQuery.Relations[i].FromType == "groupBy" {
-					fromrel := pdict{
-						typename: "relation",
-						pointer:  i,
-					}
-					relattachedtofunc = append(relattachedtofunc, fromrel)
-				} else if JSONQuery.Relations[i].ToID == function.pointer && JSONQuery.Relations[i].ToType == "groupBy" {
-					torel := pdict{
-						typename: "relation",
-						pointer:  i,
-					}
-					relattachedtofunc = append(relattachedtofunc, torel)
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	funcdone[function.pointer] = true
-	layercountertwo := layercounter
-	layercounterthree := layercounter
-	if len(funcappliedtosubquery) != 0 {
-		//newlayercounter := layercounter
-		if layercountertwo == 0 {
-			listoflists = prepend(listoflists, funcappliedtosubquery)
-			fmt.Println("FuncToAllRel Layercounter 0 prepend, prepending funcappliedtosubquery")
-		} else {
-			layercountertwo--
-			for i := range funcappliedtosubquery {
-				listoflists[layercountertwo] = append(listoflists[layercountertwo], funcappliedtosubquery[i])
-				fmt.Println("FuncToAllRel Layercounter " + strconv.Itoa(layercountertwo) + " append to layer below us, appending type: " + funcappliedtosubquery[i].typename + " with pointer: " + strconv.Itoa(funcappliedtosubquery[i].pointer))
-			}
-		}
-		for i := range funcappliedtosubquery {
-			fmt.Println("RelToEnt being called with index?: " + strconv.Itoa(funcappliedtosubquery[i].pointer))
-			RelToEnt(JSONQuery, funcappliedtosubquery[i])
-			fmt.Println("RelToAllFunc being called with index?: " + strconv.Itoa(funcappliedtosubquery[i].pointer))
-			RelToAllFunc(JSONQuery, funcappliedtosubquery[i])
-		}
-	}
-	if len(relattachedtofunc) != 0 {
-		if layercounterthree == len(listoflists)-1 {
-			listoflists = append(listoflists, relattachedtofunc)
-			layercounterthree++
-			fmt.Println("FuncToAllRel Layercounter last append, appending relattachedtofunc")
-		} else {
-			layercounterthree++
-			for i := range relattachedtofunc {
-				listoflists[layercounterthree] = append(listoflists[layercounterthree], relattachedtofunc[i])
-				fmt.Println("FuncToAllRel Layercounter " + strconv.Itoa(layercounterthree) + " append to layer below us, appending type: " + relattachedtofunc[i].typename + " with pointer: " + strconv.Itoa(relattachedtofunc[i].pointer))
-			}
-		}
-		for i := range relattachedtofunc {
-			fmt.Println("RelToEnt being called with index?: " + strconv.Itoa(relattachedtofunc[i].pointer))
-			RelToEnt(JSONQuery, relattachedtofunc[i])
-			fmt.Println("RelToAllFunc being called with index?: " + strconv.Itoa(relattachedtofunc[i].pointer))
-			RelToAllFunc(JSONQuery, relattachedtofunc[i])
-		}
-	}
-func AddFilters(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) {
-	for i, filter := range JSONQuery.Filters {
-		if _, ok := filterDone[i]; !ok {
-			p := pdict{
-				typename: filter.FromType,
-				pointer:  filter.FromID,
-			}
-			f := pdict{
-				typename: "filter",
-				pointer:  filter.ID,
-			}
-			addOneFilter(f, JSONQuery, p, &filterDone)
-		}
-	}
-func addOneFilter(filterPDict pdict, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, p pdict, filterDone *map[int]bool) {
-	if p.typename == "filter" && (*filterDone)[p.pointer] {
-		l := FindCurrentLayer(listoflists, p)
-		k := pdictList{}
-		if len(listoflists) > l+1 && listoflists[l+1][0].typename == "filter" {
-			listoflists[l+1] = append(listoflists[l+1], filterPDict)
-		} else {
-			listoflists = BelowAppend(listoflists, l, k)
-		}
-		(*filterDone)[filterPDict.pointer] = true
-	} else if p.typename == "filter" {
-		pnew := pdict{
-			typename: JSONQuery.Filters[p.pointer].FromType,
-			pointer:  JSONQuery.Filters[p.pointer].FromID,
-		}
-		addOneFilter(p, JSONQuery, pnew, filterDone)
-		l := FindCurrentLayer(listoflists, p)
-		k := pdictList{filterPDict}
-		if len(listoflists) > l+1 && listoflists[l+1][0].typename == "filter" {
-			listoflists[l+1] = append(listoflists[l+1], filterPDict)
-		} else {
-			listoflists = BelowAppend(listoflists, l, k)
-		}
-		(*filterDone)[filterPDict.pointer] = true
-	} else {
-		l := FindCurrentLayer(listoflists, p)
-		k := pdictList{filterPDict}
-		if len(listoflists) > l+1 && listoflists[l+1][0].typename == "filter" {
-			listoflists[l+1] = append(listoflists[l+1], filterPDict)
-		} else {
-			listoflists = BelowAppend(listoflists, l, k)
-		}
-		(*filterDone)[filterPDict.pointer] = true
-	}
-// A function that appends 1 level above (if index is 0 this won't work)
-func AboveAppend(list []pdictList, index int, value pdictList) []pdictList {
-	if index == 0 {
-		return prepend(list, value)
-	}
-	return BelowAppend(list, index-1, value)
-// A function that appends 1 level below
-func BelowAppend(lists []pdictList, index int, value pdictList) []pdictList {
-	if len(lists)-1 == index { // nil or empty slice or after last element
-		return append(lists, value)
-	}
-	k := make([]pdictList, len(lists[index+1:]))
-	copy(k, lists[index+1:])
-	l := make([]pdictList, len(lists[:index+1]))
-	copy(l, lists[:index+1])
-	lists = append(l, value) // index < len(a)
-	return append(lists, k...)
-// A simple double-for loop that finds the layer in which an element resides in the hierarchy
-// Because we only append elements relative to another element, we can freely use this to keep track of layers
-func FindCurrentLayer(list []pdictList, element pdict) int {
-	currlayer := -1
-	for i, sublist := range list {
-		for j := range sublist {
-			if sublist[j].pointer == element.pointer && sublist[j].typename == element.typename {
-				currlayer = i
-				//break
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return currlayer
-// Adds a list of pdicts to the hierarchy, but IN FRONT OF the current layer
-// Only needed when a entire new list has to be inserted in front of the hierarcy
-// Prepending to existing layers can be done by decreasing the layercounter and appending
-// See XToY functions for example usage
-func prepend(list []pdictList, element pdictList) []pdictList {
-	var dummylist pdictList
-	dummy := pdict{
-		typename: "dummy",
-		pointer:  -1,
-	}
-	dummylist = append(dummylist, dummy)
-	list = append(list, dummylist)
-	copy(list[1:], list)
-	list[0] = element
-	return list
diff --git a/cypher/hierarchy_test.go b/cypher/hierarchy_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 83160c1cadbac0f3da53c274fe635c4219403a00..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cypher/hierarchy_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-package cypher
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"sort"
-	"testing"
-	"git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion/entity"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestHierarchyBasic(t *testing.T) {
-	// Setup for test
-	// Create query conversion service
-	query := []byte(`{
-		"return": {
-			"entities": [
-				0,
-				1
-			],
-			"relations": [
-				0
-			],
-			"groupBys": []
-		},
-		"entities": [
-			{
-				"name": "parliament",
-				"ID": 0
-			},
-			{
-				"name": "parties",
-				"ID": 1
-			}
-		],
-		"relations": [
-			{
-				"ID": 0,
-				"name": "member_of",
-				"depth": {
-					"min": 1,
-					"max": 1
-				},
-				"fromType": "entity",
-				"fromID": 0,
-				"toType": "entity",
-				"toID": 1
-			}
-		],
-		"groupBys": [],
-		"filters": [
-			{
-				"ID": 0,
-				"fromType": "entity",
-				"fromID": 0,
-				"toType": "relation",
-				"toID": 0,
-				"attribute": "age",
-				"value": "45",
-				"dataType": "number",
-				"matchType": "GT",
-				"inType": "",
-				"inID": -1
-			},
-			{
-				"ID": 1,
-				"fromType": "relation",
-				"fromID": 0,
-				"toType": "relation",
-				"toID": 1,
-				"attribute": "isChairman",
-				"value": "45",
-				"dataType": "number",
-				"matchType": "GT",
-				"inType": "",
-				"inID": -1
-			}
-		],
-		"limit": 5000
-	}
-	`)
-	// Unmarshall the incoming message into an IncomingJSONQuery object
-	var JSONQuery entity.IncomingQueryJSON
-	json.Unmarshal(query, &JSONQuery)
-	search(&JSONQuery, 0)
-	// Assert that the result and the expected result are the same
-	correctResult := `[[{entity 0} {entity 1}] [{filter 0}] [{relation 0}] [{filter 1}]]`
-	assert.Equal(t, correctResult, fmt.Sprint(listoflists))
-	t.Fail()
-func TestHierarchyRandomStart(t *testing.T) {
-	// Setup for test
-	// Create query conversion service
-	query := []byte(`{
-		"return": {
-			"entities": [
-				0,
-				1
-			],
-			"relations": [
-				0
-			],
-			"groupBys": []
-		},
-		"entities": [
-			{
-				"name": "parties",
-				"ID": 1
-			},
-			{
-				"name": "parliament",
-				"ID": 0
-			}
-		],
-		"relations": [
-			{
-				"ID": 0,
-				"name": "member_of",
-				"depth": {
-					"min": 1,
-					"max": 1
-				},
-				"fromType": "entity",
-				"fromID": 0,
-				"toType": "entity",
-				"toID": 1
-			}
-		],
-		"groupBys": [],
-		"filters": [
-			{
-				"ID": 0,
-				"fromType": "entity",
-				"fromID": 0,
-				"toType": "relation",
-				"toID": 0,
-				"attribute": "age",
-				"value": "45",
-				"dataType": "number",
-				"matchType": "GT",
-				"inType": "",
-				"inID": -1
-			},
-			{
-				"ID": 1,
-				"fromType": "relation",
-				"fromID": 0,
-				"toType": "relation",
-				"toID": 1,
-				"attribute": "isChairman",
-				"value": "45",
-				"dataType": "number",
-				"matchType": "GT",
-				"inType": "",
-				"inID": -1
-			}
-		],
-		"limit": 5000
-	}
-	`)
-	// Unmarshall the incoming message into an IncomingJSONQuery object
-	var JSONQuery entity.IncomingQueryJSON
-	json.Unmarshal(query, &JSONQuery)
-	correctResult := make([]pdictList, 4)
-	correctResult[0] = pdictList{{typename: "entity", pointer: 0}, {typename: "entity", pointer: 1}}
-	correctResult[1] = pdictList{{typename: "filter", pointer: 0}}
-	correctResult[2] = pdictList{{typename: "relation", pointer: 0}}
-	correctResult[3] = pdictList{{typename: "filter", pointer: 1}}
-	for i := range JSONQuery.Entities {
-		search(&JSONQuery, i)
-		sortedListOfLists := make([]pdictList, len(listoflists))
-		for i, list := range listoflists {
-			k := make(pdictList, list.Len())
-			copy(k, list)
-			sort.Sort(k)
-			sortedListOfLists[i] = k
-		}
-		assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprint(correctResult), fmt.Sprint(sortedListOfLists))
-	}
-func TestHierarchyWithGroupby(t *testing.T) {
-	// Setup for test
-	// Create query conversion service
-	query := []byte(`{
-		"return": {
-			"entities": [
-				0,
-				1,
-				2,
-				3
-			],
-			"relations": [
-				0,
-				1,
-				2
-			]
-		},
-		"entities": [
-			{
-				"ID": 0,
-				"name": "parliament"
-			},
-			{
-				"ID": 1,
-				"name": "commissions"
-			},
-			{
-				"ID": 2,
-				"name": "parliament"
-			},
-			{
-				"ID": 3,
-				"name": "resolutions"
-			}
-		],
-		"relations": [
-			{
-				"type": "part_of",
-				"depth": {
-					"min": 1,
-					"max": 1
-				},
-				"fromType": "entity",
-				"fromId": 0,
-				"toType": "entity",
-				"toID": 1
-			},
-			{
-				"type": "part_of",
-				"depth": {
-					"min": 1,
-					"max": 1
-				},
-				"fromType": "groupBy",
-				"fromID": 0,
-				"toType": "entity",
-				"toID": 2
-			},
-			{
-				"type": "submits",
-				"depth": {
-					"min": 1,
-					"max": 1
-				},
-				"fromType": "entity",
-				"fromID": 2,
-				"toType": "entity",
-				"toID": 3
-			}
-		],
-		"groupBys": [
-			{
-				"ID": 0,
-				"groupType": "entity",
-				"groupID": 0,
-				"groupAttribute": "age",
-				"byType": "entity",
-				"byID": 1,
-				"byAttribute": "name",
-				"appliedModifier": "AVG",
-				"relationID": 0,
-				"constraints": [
-					{
-						"attribute": "age",
-						"value": "45",
-						"dataType": "number",
-						"matchType": "GT",
-						"functionPointer": {
-							"from": -1,
-							"to": -1
-						}
-					}
-				]
-			}
-		],
-		"filters": [
-			{
-				"ID": 0,
-				"fromType": "groupBy",
-				"fromID": 0,
-				"toType": "relation",
-				"toID": 1,
-				"attribute": "age",
-				"value": "45",
-				"dataType": "number",
-				"matchType": "GT",
-				"inType": "",
-				"inID": -1
-			}
-		],
-		"limit": 5000,
-		"modifiers": [],
-		"databaseName": "TweedeKamer"
-	}
-	`)
-	// Unmarshall the incoming message into an IncomingJSONQuery object
-	var JSONQuery entity.IncomingQueryJSON
-	json.Unmarshal(query, &JSONQuery)
-	correctResult := make([]pdictList, 5)
-	correctResult[0] = pdictList{{typename: "entity", pointer: 0}, {typename: "entity", pointer: 1}}
-	correctResult[1] = pdictList{{typename: "relation", pointer: 0}}
-	correctResult[2] = pdictList{{typename: "entity", pointer: 2}, {typename: "entity", pointer: 3}, {typename: "groupBy", pointer: 0}}
-	correctResult[3] = pdictList{{typename: "filter", pointer: 0}}
-	correctResult[4] = pdictList{{typename: "relation", pointer: 1}, {typename: "relation", pointer: 2}}
-	for i := range JSONQuery.Entities {
-		search(&JSONQuery, i)
-		fmt.Println(listoflists)
-		sortedListOfLists := make([]pdictList, len(listoflists))
-		for i, list := range listoflists {
-			k := make(pdictList, list.Len())
-			copy(k, list)
-			sort.Sort(k)
-			sortedListOfLists[i] = k
-		}
-		assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprint(correctResult), fmt.Sprint(sortedListOfLists))
-	}
diff --git a/entity/queryStruct.go b/entity/queryStruct.go
index f8ae93c76d72ecfc19f2eefe6536afc3720a67f6..62afc65b5e969d4aef52201e74719e623554c570 100644
--- a/entity/queryStruct.go
+++ b/entity/queryStruct.go
@@ -2,66 +2,74 @@ package entity
 // IncomingQueryJSON describes the query coming into the service in JSON format
 type IncomingQueryJSON struct {
-	DatabaseName string
-	Return       QueryReturnStruct
-	Entities     []QueryEntityStruct
-	Relations    []QueryRelationStruct
-	GroupBys     []QueryGroupByStruct
-	Filters      []QueryFilterStruct
+	DatabaseName    string                `json:"databaseName"`
+	Return          QueryReturnStruct     `json:"return"`
+	Entities        []QueryEntityStruct   `json:"entities"`
+	Relations       []QueryRelationStruct `json:"relations"`
+	GroupBys        []QueryGroupByStruct  `json:"groupBys"`
+	MachineLearning []QueryMLStruct       `json:"machineLearning"`
 	// Limit is for limiting the amount of paths AQL will return in a relation let statement
-	Limit     int
-	Modifiers []QueryModifierStruct
+	Limit int `json:"limit"`
+	//Modifiers []QueryModifierStruct
 // QueryReturnStruct holds the indices of the entities and relations that need to be returned
 type QueryReturnStruct struct {
-	Entities  []int
-	Relations []int
-	GroupBys  []int
+	Entities  []int `json:"entities"`
+	Relations []int `json:"relations"`
+	GroupBys  []int `json:"groupBys"`
 	//Modifiers []int
 // QueryEntityStruct encapsulates a single entity with its corresponding constraints
 type QueryEntityStruct struct {
-	ID   int
-	Name string
+	ID          int                     `json:"id"`
+	Name        string                  `json:"name"`
+	Constraints []QueryConstraintStruct `json:"constraints"`
 // QueryRelationStruct encapsulates a single relation with its corresponding constraints
 type QueryRelationStruct struct {
-	ID       int
-	Name     string
-	FromType string
-	FromID   int
-	ToType   string
-	ToID     int
-	Depth    QuerySearchDepthStruct
+	ID                    int                     `json:"id"`
+	Name                  string                  `json:"name"`
+	Depth                 QuerySearchDepthStruct  `json:"depth"`
+	FromType              string                  `json:"fromType"`
+	FromID                int                     `json:"fromID"`
+	ToType                string                  `json:"toType"`
+	ToID                  int                     `json:"toID"`
+	QueryConstraintStruct []QueryConstraintStruct `json:"constraints"`
 type QueryGroupByStruct struct {
-	ID              int
-	GroupType       string
-	GroupID         int
-	GroupAttribute  string
-	ByType          string
-	ByID            int
-	ByAttribute     string
-	AppliedModifier string
-	RelationID      int
+	ID              int                     `json:"id"`
+	GroupType       string                  `json:"groupType"`
+	GroupID         int                     `json:"groupID"`
+	GroupAttribute  string                  `json:"groupAttribute"`
+	ByType          string                  `json:"byType"`
+	ByID            int                     `json:"byID"`
+	ByAttribute     string                  `json:"byAttribute"`
+	AppliedModifier string                  `json:"appliedModifier"`
+	RelationID      int                     `json:"relationID"`
+	Constraints     []QueryConstraintStruct `json:"constraints"`
-type QueryFilterStruct struct {
-	ID        int
-	FromType  string
-	FromID    int
-	ToType    string
-	ToID      int
-	Attribute string
-	DataType  string
-	MatchType string
-	Value     string
-	InType    string
-	InID      int
+// QueryConstraintStruct holds the information of the constraint
+// Constraint datatypes
+//     string     MatchTypes: exact/contains/startswith/endswith
+//     int   MatchTypes: GT/LT/EQ
+//     bool     MatchTypes: EQ/NEQ
+type QueryConstraintStruct struct {
+	Attribute string `json:"attribute"`
+	Value     string `json:"value"`
+	DataType  string `json:"dataTYpe"`
+	MatchType string `json:"matchType"`
+	InID      int    `json:"inID"`
+	InType    string `json:"inType"`
+type QueryMLStruct struct {
+	Queuename  string
+	Parameters []string
 // QueryModifierStruct encapsulates a single modifier with its corresponding constraints
@@ -74,12 +82,32 @@ type QueryModifierStruct struct {
 // QuerySearchDepthStruct holds the range of traversals for the relation
 type QuerySearchDepthStruct struct {
-	Min int
-	Max int
+	Min int `json:"min"`
+	Max int `json:"max"`
-// QueryConstraintStruct holds the information of the constraint
-// Constraint datatypes
-// 	string     MatchTypes: exact/contains/startswith/endswith
-// 	int   MatchTypes: GT/LT/EQ/
-// 	bool     MatchTypes: EQ/NEQ
+// Moet misschien nog ff anders of opgesplitst worden, want interface is vervelend
+func (JSONQuery IncomingQueryJSON) find(qID int, qType string) interface{} {
+	if qType == "entity" {
+		for _, part := range JSONQuery.Entities {
+			if part.ID == qID {
+				return &part
+			}
+		}
+	} else if qType == "relation" {
+		for _, part := range JSONQuery.Relations {
+			if part.ID == qID {
+				return &part
+			}
+		}
+	} else if qType == "groupBy" {
+		for _, part := range JSONQuery.GroupBys {
+			if part.ID == qID {
+				return &part
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil