diff --git a/aql/createConstraints.go b/aql/createConstraints.go
index 946fd1ca89ec9b0898a7d53620d6ce9df4958846..0481bd94cbd9cc15935664b45289007c2e343ffb 100644
--- a/aql/createConstraints.go
+++ b/aql/createConstraints.go
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ isRelation is a boolean specifying if this constraint comes from a node or relat
 Return: a string containing a FILTER-statement with all the constraints
-func createConstraintStatements(constraints *[]entity.QueryFilterStruct, name string, isRelation bool) *string {
+func createConstraintStatements(constraints *[]entity.QueryConstraintStruct, name string, isRelation bool) *string {
 	s := ""
 	if len(*constraints) == 0 {
 		return &s
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ isRelation is a boolean specifying if this constraint comes from a node or relat
 Return: a string containing an boolean expression of a single constraint
-func createConstraintBoolExpression(constraint *entity.QueryFilterStruct, name string, isRelation bool) *string {
+func createConstraintBoolExpression(constraint *entity.QueryConstraintStruct, name string, isRelation bool) *string {
 	var (
 		match string
 		value string
diff --git a/aql/hierarchy.go b/aql/hierarchy.go
index 7b78c759a0f6c937b5db71dd20900a74bfc22a77..7b8acfca47c4b84cbf193f1c4fa89287fcf719d4 100644
--- a/aql/hierarchy.go
+++ b/aql/hierarchy.go
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ func search(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, index int) []entity.PdictList {
-	listoflists = addFilters(JSONQuery, listoflists)
 	return listoflists
@@ -273,52 +272,6 @@ func funcToAllRel(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, listoflists []entity.Pdic
 	return listoflists
-func addFilters(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, listoflists []entity.PdictList) []entity.PdictList {
-	for i, filter := range JSONQuery.Filters {
-		if _, ok := filterDone[i]; !ok {
-			p := makePdict(filter.FromType, filter.FromID)
-			f := makePdict(FILTERSTRING, filter.ID)
-			listoflists = addOneFilter(f, JSONQuery, listoflists, p, &filterDone)
-		}
-	}
-	return listoflists
-func addOneFilter(filterPDict entity.Pdict, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, listoflists []entity.PdictList, p entity.Pdict, filterDone *map[int]bool) []entity.PdictList {
-	if p.Typename == FILTERSTRING && (*filterDone)[p.Pointer] {
-		l := findCurrentLayer(listoflists, p)
-		k := entity.PdictList{filterPDict}
-		if len(listoflists) > l+1 && listoflists[l+1][0].Typename == FILTERSTRING {
-			listoflists[l+1] = append(listoflists[l+1], filterPDict)
-		} else {
-			listoflists = filterAppend(listoflists, l, k)
-		}
-		(*filterDone)[filterPDict.Pointer] = true
-	} else if p.Typename == FILTERSTRING {
-		pnew := makePdict(JSONQuery.Filters[p.Pointer].FromType, JSONQuery.Filters[p.Pointer].FromID)
-		addOneFilter(p, JSONQuery, listoflists, pnew, filterDone)
-		l := findCurrentLayer(listoflists, p)
-		k := entity.PdictList{filterPDict}
-		if len(listoflists) > l+1 && listoflists[l+1][0].Typename == FILTERSTRING {
-			listoflists[l+1] = append(listoflists[l+1], filterPDict)
-		} else {
-			listoflists = filterAppend(listoflists, l, k)
-		}
-		(*filterDone)[filterPDict.Pointer] = true
-	} else {
-		l := findCurrentLayer(listoflists, p)
-		k := entity.PdictList{filterPDict}
-		if len(listoflists) > l+1 && listoflists[l+1][0].Typename == FILTERSTRING {
-			listoflists[l+1] = append(listoflists[l+1], filterPDict)
-		} else {
-			listoflists = filterAppend(listoflists, l, k)
-		}
-		(*filterDone)[filterPDict.Pointer] = true
-	}
-	return listoflists
 // A function that appends 1 level above (if index is 0 this won't work)
 func aboveAppend(listoflists []entity.PdictList, index int, values entity.PdictList) []entity.PdictList {
 	if index == 0 {
@@ -349,19 +302,6 @@ func belowAppend(listoflists []entity.PdictList, index int, values entity.PdictL
-func filterAppend(listoflists []entity.PdictList, index int, values entity.PdictList) []entity.PdictList {
-	if len(listoflists)-1 == index { // nil or empty slice or after last element
-		return append(listoflists, values)
-	}
-	k := make([]entity.PdictList, len(listoflists[index+1:]))
-	copy(k, listoflists[index+1:])
-	l := make([]entity.PdictList, len(listoflists[:index+1]))
-	copy(l, listoflists[:index+1])
-	listoflists = append(l, values) // index < len(a)
-	return append(listoflists, k...)
 // A simple double-for loop that finds the layer in which an element resides in the hierarchy
 // Because we only append elements relative to another element, we can freely use this to keep track of layers
 func findCurrentLayer(list []entity.PdictList, element entity.Pdict) int {
diff --git a/entity/queryStruct.go b/entity/queryStruct.go
index 59e8d9952bae3fe937fda77996157a59ea64b1c2..248b58ce492f671f6c1c067f033e7a13d07a7454 100644
--- a/entity/queryStruct.go
+++ b/entity/queryStruct.go
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ type IncomingQueryJSON struct {
 	Entities        []QueryEntityStruct
 	Relations       []QueryRelationStruct
 	GroupBys        []QueryGroupByStruct
-	Filters         []QueryFilterStruct
 	MachineLearning []QueryMLStruct
 	// Limit is for limiting the amount of paths AQL will return in a relation let statement
 	Limit     int
@@ -24,19 +23,21 @@ type QueryReturnStruct struct {
 // QueryEntityStruct encapsulates a single entity with its corresponding constraints
 type QueryEntityStruct struct {
-	ID   int
-	Name string
+	ID          int
+	Name        string
+	Constraints []QueryConstraintStruct
 // QueryRelationStruct encapsulates a single relation with its corresponding constraints
 type QueryRelationStruct struct {
-	ID       int
-	Name     string
-	FromType string
-	FromID   int
-	ToType   string
-	ToID     int
-	Depth    QuerySearchDepthStruct
+	ID                    int
+	Name                  string
+	FromType              string
+	FromID                int
+	ToType                string
+	ToID                  int
+	Depth                 QuerySearchDepthStruct
+	QueryConstraintStruct []QueryConstraintStruct
 type QueryGroupByStruct struct {
@@ -49,20 +50,21 @@ type QueryGroupByStruct struct {
 	ByAttribute     string
 	AppliedModifier string
 	RelationID      int
+	Constraints     []QueryConstraintStruct
-type QueryFilterStruct struct {
-	ID        int
-	FromType  string
-	FromID    int
-	ToType    string
-	ToID      int
+// QueryConstraintStruct holds the information of the constraint
+// Constraint datatypes
+// 	string     MatchTypes: exact/contains/startswith/endswith
+// 	int   MatchTypes: GT/LT/EQ
+// 	bool     MatchTypes: EQ/NEQ
+type QueryConstraintStruct struct {
 	Attribute string
+	Value     string
 	DataType  string
 	MatchType string
-	Value     string
-	InType    string
 	InID      int
+	InType    string
 type QueryMLStruct struct {
@@ -83,9 +85,3 @@ type QuerySearchDepthStruct struct {
 	Min int
 	Max int
-// QueryConstraintStruct holds the information of the constraint
-// Constraint datatypes
-// 	string     MatchTypes: exact/contains/startswith/endswith
-// 	int   MatchTypes: GT/LT/EQ/
-// 	bool     MatchTypes: EQ/NEQ