diff --git a/aql/convertQuery.go b/aql/convertQuery.go
index 707c09ed41c44bda19e7f176739543688603080c..dfdcbc189cb10f9e02a3d3d03fa4fdc873707773 100644
--- a/aql/convertQuery.go
+++ b/aql/convertQuery.go
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science a
 package aql
 import (
-	"errors"
+	"strconv"
@@ -22,299 +22,19 @@ ConvertQuery converts an IncomingQueryJSON object into AQL
 func (s *Service) ConvertQuery(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) (*string, error) {
 	// Check to make sure all indexes exist
 	// The largest possible id for an entity
-	largestEntityID := len(JSONQuery.Entities) - 1
-	// The largest possible id for a relation
-	largestRelationID := len(JSONQuery.Relations) - 1
-	// Make sure no entity should be returned that is outside the range of that list
-	for _, e := range JSONQuery.Return.Entities {
-		// If this entity references an entity that is outside the range
-		if e > largestEntityID || e < 0 {
-			return nil, errors.New("non-existing entity referenced in return")
-		}
-	}
-	// Make sure that no relation mentions a non-existing entity
-	for _, r := range JSONQuery.Relations {
-		if r.FromID > largestEntityID && r.FromType == "entity" || r.ToID > largestEntityID && r.ToType == "entity" {
-			return nil, errors.New("non-exisiting entity referenced in relation")
-		}
-	}
-	// Make sure no non-existing relation is tried to be returned
-	for _, r := range JSONQuery.Return.Relations {
-		if r > largestRelationID || r < 0 {
-			return nil, errors.New("non-existing relation referenced in return")
-		}
-	}
-	// Don't run search if we are getting empty queries from unit tests
-	var listoflists []entity.PdictList
-	if len(JSONQuery.Entities) != 0 && len(JSONQuery.Relations) != 0 {
-		listoflists = search(JSONQuery, 0)
-	}
-	result := createQuery(JSONQuery, listoflists)
-	return result, nil
-createQuery generates a query based on the json file provided
-	JSONQuery: *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, this is a parsedJSON struct holding all the data needed to form a query,
-	Return: *string, a string containing the corresponding AQL query and an error
-func createQuery(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, listoflists []entity.PdictList) *string {
-	query := ""
-	for list := range listoflists {
-		for index := range listoflists[list] {
-			element := listoflists[list][index]
-			fmt.Println(element.Typename)
-			switch element.Typename {
-			case "entity":
-				entity := JSONQuery.Entities[element.Pointer]
-				query += entityToQuery(entity, JSONQuery)
-			case "relation":
-				relation := JSONQuery.Relations[element.Pointer]
-				query += relationToQuery(relation, JSONQuery)
-			case "groupBy":
-				function := JSONQuery.GroupBys[element.Pointer]
-				query += functionToQuery(function, JSONQuery, list == len(listoflists)-1)
-			case "filter":
-				filter := JSONQuery.Filters[element.Pointer]
-				query += filterToQuery(filter, JSONQuery)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	unusedRelations := findUnusedRelations(JSONQuery)
-	if len(unusedRelations) >= 0 {
-		query += "LET nodes = first(RETURN UNION_DISTINCT("
-		for i := range unusedRelations {
-			query += "flatten(" + unusedRelations[i] + "[**].vertices),"
-		}
-		query += "[],[]))\n"
-		query += "LET edges = first(RETURN UNION_DISTINCT("
-		for i := range unusedRelations {
-			query += "flatten(" + unusedRelations[i] + "[**].edges),"
-		}
-		query += "[],[]))\nRETURN {\"vertices\":nodes, \"edges\":edges }"
-	}
-	return &query
-func entityToQuery(element entity.QueryEntityStruct, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) string {
-	thisname := fmt.Sprintf("e%v", element.ID)
-	ret := createLetFor(thisname, element.Name)
-	ret += "\tRETURN x\n)\n"
-	return ret
-func relationToQuery(element entity.QueryRelationStruct, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) string {
-	thisname := fmt.Sprintf("r%v", element.ID)
-	ret := createLetFor(thisname, element.Name)
-	filters := tryGetFilterTo("relation", element.ID, JSONQuery)
-	var ydefined bool = false
-	var zdefined bool = false
-	if len(filters) > 0 {
-		for i := range filters {
-			filter := filters[i]
-			filter2 := filter
-			for filter2.FromType == "filter" {
-				filters2 := tryGetFilterTo("filter", filter.ID, JSONQuery)
-				filter2 = filters2[0]
-			}
-			if filter2.FromType == element.FromType && filter2.FromID == element.FromID {
-				ret += fmt.Sprintf("\tFOR y in f%v\n", filter.ID)
-				ydefined = true
-			} else {
-				ret += fmt.Sprintf("\tFOR z in f%v\n", filter.ID)
-				zdefined = true
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if !ydefined {
-		ret += fmt.Sprintf("\tFOR y in %v%v\n", typeToPrefix(element.FromType), element.FromID)
-	}
-	if !zdefined {
-		ret += fmt.Sprintf("\tFOR z in %v%v\n", typeToPrefix(element.ToType), element.ToID)
-	}
-	ret += "\tFILTER x._from == y._id AND x._to == z._id\n"
-	ret += "\tLET nodes = APPEND([], [y, z])\n"
-	ret += "\tRETURN DISTINCT {\n"
-	ret += "\t\"edges\": x,\n"
-	ret += "\t\"vertices\": nodes\n\t}\n)\n"
-	return ret
-func functionToQuery(element entity.QueryGroupByStruct, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, final bool) string {
-	ret := getTupleVar(element, JSONQuery)
-	if final {
-		ret += createFinalGroupBy(element, JSONQuery)
-	} else {
-		ret += createGroupBy(element, JSONQuery)
-	}
-	return ret
-func filterToQuery(element entity.QueryFilterStruct, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) string {
-	thisname := fmt.Sprintf("f%v", element.ID)
-	var filteredpill string
-	filters := tryGetFilterTo("filter", element.ID, JSONQuery)
-	if len(filters) > 0 {
-		filteredpill = fmt.Sprintf("f%v", filters[0].ID)
-	} else {
-		filteredpill = fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", typeToPrefix(element.FromType), element.FromID)
-	}
-	ret := createLetFor(thisname, filteredpill)
-	if element.FromType == "groupBy" {
-		ret += fmt.Sprintf("\tFILTER x.modifier %v %v\n", wordsToLogicalSign(element), element.Value)
-	} else {
-		ret += fmt.Sprintf("\tFILTER x.%v %v %v\n", element.Attribute, wordsToLogicalSign(element), element.Value)
-	}
-	ret += "\tRETURN x\n)\n"
-	return ret
-func createLetFor(variableName string, enumerableName string) string {
-	return "LET " + variableName + " = (\n\tFOR x IN " + enumerableName + "\n"
-func typeToPrefix(pillType string) string {
-	switch pillType {
-	case "entity":
-		return "e"
-	case "relation":
-		return "r"
-	case "groupBy":
-		return "g"
-	case "filter":
-		return "f"
-	default:
-		return ""
-	}
-func tryGetFilterTo(toType string, toID int, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) []entity.QueryFilterStruct {
-	var list []entity.QueryFilterStruct
-	for i := range JSONQuery.Filters {
-		filter := JSONQuery.Filters[i]
-		if filter.ToType == toType && filter.ToID == toID {
-			list = append(list, filter)
-		}
-	}
-	return list
-func tryGetFilterFrom(fromType string, fromID int, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) []entity.QueryFilterStruct {
-	var list []entity.QueryFilterStruct
-	for i := range JSONQuery.Filters {
-		filter := JSONQuery.Filters[i]
-		if filter.FromType == fromType && filter.FromID == fromID {
-			list = append(list, filter)
-		}
+	shitlist, _ := createHierarchy(JSONQuery)
+	for i, tree := range shitlist {
+		fmt.Println("I am triple(from,rel,to): " + strconv.Itoa(tree.Self.FromNode.ID) + "," + strconv.Itoa(tree.Self.Rel.ID) + "," + strconv.Itoa(tree.Self.ToNode.ID))
+		fmt.Println("My relation contains the following nodes(from,to): " + strconv.Itoa(tree.Self.Rel.FromID) + "," + strconv.Itoa(tree.Self.Rel.ToID))
+		fmt.Println("My index is: " + strconv.Itoa(i))
+		fmt.Println("My parent index is: " + strconv.Itoa(tree.Parent))
+		fmt.Println("My children's indices are: ")
+		for j := range tree.Children {
+			fmt.Println(tree.Children[j])
+		}
+		fmt.Println("Next please!")
-	return list
-func wordsToLogicalSign(element entity.QueryFilterStruct) string {
-	var match string
-	switch element.DataType {
-	case "string":
-		switch element.MatchType {
-		case "NEQ":
-			match = "!="
-		case "contains":
-			match = "LIKE"
-		case "excludes":
-			match = "NOT LIKE"
-		default: //EQ
-			match = "=="
-		}
-	case "int":
-		switch element.MatchType {
-		case "NEQ":
-			match = "!="
-		case "GT":
-			match = ">"
-		case "LT":
-			match = "<"
-		case "GET":
-			match = ">="
-		case "LET":
-			match = "<="
-		default: //EQ
-			match = "=="
-		}
-	default: /*bool*/
-		switch element.MatchType {
-		case "NEQ":
-			match = "!="
-		default: //EQ
-			match = "=="
-		}
-	}
-	return match
-func getTupleVar(element entity.QueryGroupByStruct, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) string {
 	result := ""
-	thisname := fmt.Sprintf("gt%v", element.ID)
-	result += createLetFor(thisname, JSONQuery.Relations[element.RelationID].Name)
-	result += createSubVariable("variable_0", "variable_1", fmt.Sprintf("r%v[**].vertices[1]", element.RelationID), "_id", "x._to", "_id")
-	result += createSubVariable("variable_2", "variable_3", fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", typeToPrefix(element.GroupType), element.GroupID), "_id", "x._from", element.GroupAttribute)
-	result += "\tRETURN {\n\t\t\"variable_0\": variable_1, \n\t\t\"variable_1\": variable_3\n\t}\n)\n"
-	return result
+	return &result, nil
-func createSubVariable(variableName string, variableName2 string, forName string, filter1 string, filter2 string, returnValue string) string {
-	result := "\tLET " + variableName + " = (\n\t\tFOR y IN " + forName + "\n"
-	return result + "\t\tFILTER y." + filter1 + " == " + filter2 + "\n\t\tRETURN y." + returnValue + "\n\t) " +
-		"\n\tLET " + variableName2 + " = " + variableName + "[0] \n"
-func createGroupBy(element entity.QueryGroupByStruct, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) string {
-	thisname := fmt.Sprintf("g%v", element.ID)
-	tuplename := fmt.Sprintf("gt%v", element.ID)
-	result := createLetFor(thisname, tuplename)
-	result += createCollect(element)
-	result += "\tRETURN {\n\t_id: c,\n\tmodifier: variable_0\n\t}\n)\n"
-	return result
-func createFinalGroupBy(element entity.QueryGroupByStruct, JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) string {
-	tuplename := fmt.Sprintf("gt%v", element.ID)
-	result := "FOR x IN " + tuplename + "\n"
-	result += createCollect(element)
-	filters := tryGetFilterFrom("groupBy", element.ID, JSONQuery)
-	if len(filters) > 0 {
-		for i := range filters {
-			result += createFilter(filters[i])
-		}
-	}
-	result += fmt.Sprintf("\tRETURN {\n\tname: c,\n\t%v: variable_0\n\t}\n)\n", element.GroupAttribute)
-	return result
-func createCollect(element entity.QueryGroupByStruct) string {
-	return "\tCOLLECT c = x.variable_0 INTO groups = x.variable_1\n\t" +
-		"LET variable_0 = " + element.AppliedModifier + "(groups) \n"
-func createFilter(filter entity.QueryFilterStruct) string {
-	return "\tFILTER variable_0 " + wordsToLogicalSign(filter) + " " + filter.Value + " \n"
-func findUnusedRelations(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) []string {
-	var unused []string
-	for i := range JSONQuery.Relations {
-		relationUnused := true
-		relation := JSONQuery.Relations[i]
-		for j := range JSONQuery.GroupBys {
-			groupBy := JSONQuery.GroupBys[j]
-			if groupBy.RelationID == relation.ID {
-				relationUnused = false
-			}
-		}
-		if relationUnused {
-			unused = append(unused, fmt.Sprintf("r%v", relation.ID))
-		}
-	}
-	return unused
diff --git a/aql/hierarchy.go b/aql/hierarchy.go
index 7b8acfca47c4b84cbf193f1c4fa89287fcf719d4..3ab381457f3a3593aeb3c1c9d3b48870bb9ee05e 100644
--- a/aql/hierarchy.go
+++ b/aql/hierarchy.go
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ import (
 // We use consts to define string to prevent typos
 const ENTITYSTRING = "entity"
 const RELATIONSTRING = "relation"
 const GROUPBYSTRING = "groupBy"
 const FILTERSTRING = "filter"
 var reldone map[int]bool
 var entdone map[int]bool
 var funcdone map[int]bool
diff --git a/aql/newHierarchy.go b/aql/newHierarchy.go
index 7188761f938200de988639b1f462cc8b5d589e5d..7848f640c54b4b25e53dedcb8ef84496ae920804 100644
--- a/aql/newHierarchy.go
+++ b/aql/newHierarchy.go
@@ -1 +1,113 @@
 package aql
+import (
+	"git.science.uu.nl/graphpolaris/query-conversion/entity"
+// We use consts to define string to prevent typos
+const ENTITYSTRING = "entity"
+const RELATIONSTRING = "relation"
+const GROUPBYSTRING = "groupBy"
+const FILTERSTRING = "filter"
+var relationdone map[int]bool
+func createHierarchy(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) ([]entity.Tree, entity.QueryEntityStruct) {
+	var treeList []entity.Tree
+	relationdone = make(map[int]bool)
+	topNode := getTopNode(JSONQuery)
+	topTreeSelfTriple := getTripleFromNode(JSONQuery, topNode)
+	topTree := entity.Tree{
+		Self:     topTreeSelfTriple,
+		Parent:   -1,
+		Children: []int{},
+	}
+	treeList = append(treeList, topTree)
+	treeListIndex := len(treeList) - 1
+	treeList = getChildrenFromTree(JSONQuery, treeList, treeListIndex, 0)
+	return treeList, topNode
+Get a entity that has only 1 relation attached an return its index
+func getTopNode(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON) entity.QueryEntityStruct {
+	indexOfNodeToReturn := -1
+	for i, node := range JSONQuery.Entities {
+		connectionCount := 0
+		for _, relation := range JSONQuery.Relations {
+			if (relation.FromType == ENTITYSTRING && relation.FromID == node.ID) || (relation.ToType == ENTITYSTRING && relation.ToID == node.ID) {
+				connectionCount++
+			}
+		}
+		if connectionCount == 1 {
+			indexOfNodeToReturn = i
+			return JSONQuery.Entities[indexOfNodeToReturn]
+		}
+	}
+	return JSONQuery.Entities[indexOfNodeToReturn]
+func getTripleFromNode(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, node entity.QueryEntityStruct) entity.Triple {
+	var tripleToReturn entity.Triple
+	for _, relation := range JSONQuery.Relations {
+		// The initial node was our From so we set the Triple accordingly
+		// TODO
+		// If the To is not an entity we might have to do something different
+		if (relation.FromType == ENTITYSTRING && relation.FromID == node.ID) && relation.ToType == ENTITYSTRING {
+			tripleToReturn.FromNode = node
+			tripleToReturn.Rel = relation
+			tripleToReturn.ToNode = JSONQuery.Entities[relation.ToID]
+		} else if (relation.ToType == ENTITYSTRING && relation.ToID == node.ID) && relation.FromType == ENTITYSTRING {
+			tripleToReturn.FromNode = JSONQuery.Entities[relation.ToID]
+			tripleToReturn.Rel = relation
+			tripleToReturn.ToNode = node
+		}
+	}
+	relationdone[tripleToReturn.Rel.ID] = true
+	return tripleToReturn
+func getTripleFromRelation(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, relation entity.QueryRelationStruct) entity.Triple {
+	var tripleToReturn entity.Triple
+	tripleToReturn.FromNode = JSONQuery.Entities[relation.FromID]
+	tripleToReturn.Rel = relation
+	tripleToReturn.ToNode = JSONQuery.Entities[relation.ToID]
+	return tripleToReturn
+func getChildrenFromTree(JSONQuery *entity.IncomingQueryJSON, treeList []entity.Tree, treeListIndex int, parentIndex int) []entity.Tree {
+	var childRelationTriples []entity.Triple
+	for i, relation := range JSONQuery.Relations {
+		// We found a relation that is not our parent relation so we can check if it matches on of our nodes
+		// If it matches one of the nodes we can add it
+		if _, ok := relationdone[i]; !ok {
+			if relation.FromType == ENTITYSTRING && relation.FromID == treeList[parentIndex].Self.FromNode.ID {
+				triple := getTripleFromRelation(JSONQuery, relation)
+				childRelationTriples = append(childRelationTriples, triple)
+				relationdone[i] = true
+			} else if relation.ToType == ENTITYSTRING && relation.ToID == treeList[parentIndex].Self.ToNode.ID {
+				triple := getTripleFromRelation(JSONQuery, relation)
+				childRelationTriples = append(childRelationTriples, triple)
+				relationdone[i] = true
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// We now have all our children, so we can now make those trees and find their children
+	// We can now also add the indices to the list of children from the tree calling this function
+	if len(childRelationTriples) != 0 {
+		for _, triple := range childRelationTriples {
+			childTree := entity.Tree{
+				Self:     triple,
+				Parent:   treeListIndex,
+				Children: []int{},
+			}
+			treeList = append(treeList, childTree)
+			// We get the new treeListIndex, which we can now add to the list of children from the tree calling this function
+			treeListIndex = len(treeList) - 1
+			treeList[parentIndex].Children = append(treeList[parentIndex].Children, treeListIndex)
+			return getChildrenFromTree(JSONQuery, treeList, treeListIndex, treeListIndex)
+		}
+	}
+	return treeList
diff --git a/entity/hierarchyStruct.go b/entity/hierarchyStruct.go
index d97006f5f0efc25aacd9b26d3004384b20603db1..fe86cdbdb07f2426b1e76cd117cbd430fbbc1b76 100644
--- a/entity/hierarchyStruct.go
+++ b/entity/hierarchyStruct.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ type Pdict struct {
 type Triple struct {
-	In  int
-	Rel int
-	Out int
+	FromNode QueryEntityStruct
+	Rel      QueryRelationStruct
+	ToNode   QueryEntityStruct
 type Tree struct {
diff --git a/realtest.json b/realtest.json
index a94ae633ed185534cbf7132ab496e6757c518a87..c007bf09ffa4f030da1fb33c36896c573ab0fb65 100644
--- a/realtest.json
+++ b/realtest.json
@@ -7,26 +7,86 @@
     "entities": [
-            "name": "airports",
-            "ID": 0
+            "name": "parliament",
+            "ID": 0,
+            "constraints": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "commission",
+            "ID": 1,
+            "constraints": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "parliament",
+            "ID": 2,
+            "constraints": []
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "parties",
+            "ID": 3,
+            "constraints": []
+        }
+        ,
+        {
+            "name": "resolutions",
+            "ID": 4,
+            "constraints": []
     "groupBys": [],
-    "relations": [],
-    "filters": [
-            {
-                "ID": 0,
-                "fromType": "entity",
-                "fromID": 0,
-                "toType": "",
-                "toID": -1,
-                "attribute": "state",
-                "value": "HI",
-                "dataType": "string",
-                "matchType": "exact",
-                "inType": "",
-                "inID": -1
-            }
+    "relations": [
+        {
+            "ID": 0,
+            "name": "part_of",
+            "depth": {
+                "min": 1,
+                "max": 1
+            },
+            "fromType": "entity",
+            "fromId": 0,
+            "toType": "entity",
+            "toID": 1,
+            "constraints": []
+        },
+        {
+            "ID": 1,
+            "name": "part_of",
+            "depth": {
+                "min": 1,
+                "max": 1
+            },
+            "fromType": "entity",
+            "fromId": 2,
+            "toType": "entity",
+            "toID": 1,
+            "constraints": []
+        },
+        {
+            "ID": 2,
+            "name": "member_of",
+            "depth": {
+                "min": 1,
+                "max": 1
+            },
+            "fromType": "entity",
+            "fromId": 2,
+            "toType": "entity",
+            "toID": 3,
+            "constraints": []
+        },
+        {
+            "ID": 3,
+            "name": "submits",
+            "depth": {
+                "min": 1,
+                "max": 1
+            },
+            "fromType": "entity",
+            "fromId": 2,
+            "toType": "entity",
+            "toID": 4,
+            "constraints": []
+        }
     "limit": 5000
\ No newline at end of file