diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/Button.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/Button.tsx
index 2b0d0d7b34eff95e25245ff7571933d778bfe4ec..f23c1a7c18ca4269dc23ccb3eca04010c603efa2 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/Button.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/Button.tsx
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ import React, { ReactElement, ReactPropTypes, useMemo } from 'react';
 import styles from './buttons.module.scss';
 import { Icon, Sizes } from '../icon';
 import { forwardRef } from 'react';
+import { Tooltip, TooltipContent, TooltipTrigger } from '../tooltip';
 type ButtonProps = {
   as?: 'button' | 'a' | 'div';
   variantType?: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'danger';
   variant?: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'ghost';
-  size?: '2xs' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg';
+  size?: '2xs' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | '2xl';
   label?: string;
   rounded?: boolean;
   disabled?: boolean;
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ type ButtonProps = {
   children?: React.ReactNode;
   className?: string;
   style?: React.CSSProperties;
+  tooltip?: string;
   onMouseUp?: (e: any) => void;
   onMouseDown?: (e: any) => void;
   onMouseEnter?: (e: any) => void;
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ export const Button = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement | HTMLAnchorElement | H
+      tooltip,
@@ -94,6 +97,10 @@ export const Button = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement | HTMLAnchorElement | H
           return styles['btn-md'];
         case 'lg':
           return styles['btn-lg'];
+        case 'xl':
+          return styles['btn-xl'];
+        case '2xl':
+          return styles['btn-2xl'];
           return styles['btn-md'];
@@ -111,6 +118,10 @@ export const Button = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement | HTMLAnchorElement | H
           return 24;
         case 'lg':
           return 28;
+        case 'xl':
+          return 32;
+        case '2xl':
+          return 36;
           return 24;
@@ -134,20 +145,25 @@ export const Button = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement | HTMLAnchorElement | H
     const isAnchor = as === 'a';
     return (
-      <ButtonComponent
-        className={`${styles.btn} ${typeClass} ${variantClass} ${sizeClass} ${blockClass} ${roundedClass} ${iconOnlyClass} ${className ? className : ''}`}
-        onClick={onClick}
-        disabled={disabled}
-        aria-label={ariaLabel}
-        href={isAnchor ? href : undefined}
-        ref={forwardedRef as React.RefObject<any>}
-        {...props}
-      >
-        {iconPosition === 'leading' && icon}
-        {label && <span>{label}</span>}
-        {children && <span>{children}</span>}
-        {iconPosition === 'trailing' && icon}
-      </ButtonComponent>
+      <Tooltip>
+        {tooltip && <TooltipContent>{tooltip}</TooltipContent>}
+        <TooltipTrigger>
+          <ButtonComponent
+            className={`${styles.btn} ${typeClass} ${variantClass} ${sizeClass} ${blockClass} ${roundedClass} ${iconOnlyClass} ${className ? className : ''}`}
+            onClick={onClick}
+            disabled={disabled}
+            aria-label={ariaLabel}
+            href={isAnchor ? href : undefined}
+            ref={forwardedRef as React.RefObject<any>}
+            {...props}
+          >
+            {iconPosition === 'leading' && icon}
+            {label && <span>{label}</span>}
+            {children && <span>{children}</span>}
+            {iconPosition === 'trailing' && icon}
+          </ButtonComponent>
+        </TooltipTrigger>
+      </Tooltip>
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/buttons.module.scss b/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/buttons.module.scss
index 32d79309d06afd73451c86dd2e0860ec74a08bbe..a348a6e10fe2c25f8aee3e9be99e191bcbef3cfb 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/buttons.module.scss
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/buttons.module.scss
@@ -47,6 +47,16 @@
   line-height: 1;
   @apply p-1;
+.btn-2xl {
+  @apply text-2xl h-12 gap-3;
+  &.btn-icon-only {
+  }
+.btn-xl {
+  @apply text-xl h-11 gap-2;
+  &.btn-icon-only {
+  }
 .btn-lg {
   @apply text-lg h-10 gap-1.5;
   &.btn-icon-only {
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/buttons.module.scss.d.ts b/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/buttons.module.scss.d.ts
index 83aafa7918952944b7108678579d269c74792d98..ac3cb0637e258b41ca471d130139c09b5f86f1a0 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/buttons.module.scss.d.ts
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/buttons/buttons.module.scss.d.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 declare const classNames: {
   readonly btn: 'btn';
   readonly 'btn-icon-only': 'btn-icon-only';
+  readonly 'btn-2xl': 'btn-2xl';
+  readonly 'btn-xl': 'btn-xl';
   readonly 'btn-lg': 'btn-lg';
   readonly 'btn-md': 'btn-md';
   readonly 'btn-sm': 'btn-sm';
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/controls/index.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/components/controls/index.tsx
index 3660df5a1d67161217fd98ee9188d84302e2d516..a28c32b4173b03c5ad6c004413f86846f74dfe58 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/components/controls/index.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/controls/index.tsx
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ type Props = {
 export function ControlContainer({ children }: Props) {
-  return <div className="top-4 right-4 flex flex-row-reverse justify-between z-50">{children}</div>;
+  return <div className="top-4 right-4 flex flex-row-reverse justify-between z-50 items-center">{children}</div>;
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/index.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/index.tsx
index c4015c4366e2ab3791a257cf29b8a089cbd2c44f..1deb425d1aff180591b3453c95362c1aadba306f 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/index.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/index.tsx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import React, { ReactElement, ReactNode } from 'react';
 import { SVGProps } from 'react';
 // Define Sizes and IconProps types
-export type Sizes = 12 | 14 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | 32 | 40;
+export type Sizes = 12 | 14 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | 32 | 36 | 40;
 export type IconProps = SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> & {
   component?: ReactNode | ReactElement<any> | string;
   size?: Sizes;
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/inputs/index.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/components/inputs/index.tsx
index db355bb7450ae708bdc49cd22ec26e8344272ea9..9485ddfc88b92b1a10b9e960e2b727ad34b06cb7 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/components/inputs/index.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/inputs/index.tsx
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-import React from 'react';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import styles from './inputs.module.scss';
 import { DropdownTrigger, DropdownContainer, DropdownItem, DropdownItemContainer } from '../dropdowns';
 import Info from '../info';
-import { Tooltip, TooltipContent, TooltipTrigger } from '../tooltip';
+import { Tooltip, TooltipContent, TooltipProvider, TooltipTrigger } from '../tooltip';
 import { Popover } from '../layout/Popover';
+import { Button } from '../buttons';
 type SliderProps = {
   label: string;
@@ -37,23 +38,28 @@ type TextProps = {
 type NumberProps = {
-  label: string;
+  label?: string;
   type: 'number';
   size?: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'xl';
+  variant?: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'success' | 'info' | 'base';
   placeholder?: string;
   value: number;
   required?: boolean;
   errorText?: string;
   visible?: boolean;
   disabled?: boolean;
-  tooltip?: string;
+  tooltip?: string | React.ReactNode;
   info?: string;
   inline?: boolean;
   validate?: (value: any) => boolean;
   onChange?: (value: number) => void;
+  onRevert?: (value: number) => void;
   onKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
   max?: number;
   min?: number;
+  className?: string;
+  containerClassName?: string;
+  lazy?: boolean;
 type CheckboxProps = {
@@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ type DropdownProps = {
   overrideRender?: React.ReactNode;
   type: 'dropdown';
   size?: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'xl';
-  tooltip?: string;
+  tooltip?: string | React.ReactNode;
   required?: boolean;
   inline?: boolean;
   buttonVariant?: 'primary' | 'outline' | 'ghost';
@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ export const SliderInput = ({ label, value, min, max, step, unit, showValue = tr
 export const TextInput = ({
-  label,
+  label = undefined,
   value = '',
   size = 'md',
@@ -225,55 +231,108 @@ export const NumberInput = ({
   inline = false,
   required = false,
   visible = true,
+  variant = 'base',
   disabled = false,
+  onRevert,
+  className,
+  containerClassName,
+  lazy = false,
 }: NumberProps) => {
   const [isValid, setIsValid] = React.useState<boolean>(true);
+  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState<number>(value);
-  if (!tooltip && inline) tooltip = label;
+  useEffect(() => {
+    setInputValue(value);
+  }, [value]);
+  if (!tooltip && inline && label) tooltip = label;
   return (
-    <Tooltip>
-      <TooltipTrigger className={styles['input'] + ' form-control w-full' + (inline ? ' grid grid-cols-2 items-center gap-0.5' : '')}>
-        <label className="label p-0">
-          <span
-            className={`text-sm text-left truncate font-medium text-secondary-700 ${required && "after:content-['*'] after:ml-0.5 after:text-danger-500"}`}
-          >
-            {label}
-          </span>
-          {required && isValid ? null : <span className="label-text-alt text-error">{errorText}</span>}
-          {info && <Info tooltip={info} placement={'left'} />}
-        </label>
-        <input
-          type="number"
-          placeholder={placeholder}
-          className={`${size} bg-light border border-secondary-200 placeholder-secondary-400 focus:outline-none block w-full sm:text-sm focus:ring-1 ${
-            isValid ? '' : 'input-error'
-          }`}
-          value={value.toString()}
-          onChange={(e) => {
-            if (required && validate) {
-              setIsValid(validate(e.target.value));
-            }
-            if (onChange) {
-              onChange(Number(e.target.value));
-            }
-          }}
-          required={required}
-          disabled={disabled}
-          onKeyDown={onKeyDown}
-          max={max}
-          min={min}
-        />
-      </TooltipTrigger>
-      {tooltip && <TooltipContent>{tooltip}</TooltipContent>}
-    </Tooltip>
+    <div className={styles['input'] + `${containerClassName ? ` ${containerClassName}` : ''}`}>
+      <TooltipProvider delayDuration={50}>
+        <Tooltip>
+          <TooltipTrigger className={'form-control w-full' + (inline && label ? ' grid grid-cols-2 items-center gap-0.5' : '')}>
+            {label && (
+              <label className="label p-0">
+                <span
+                  className={`text-sm text-left truncate font-medium text-secondary-700 ${required && "after:content-['*'] after:ml-0.5 after:text-danger-500"}`}
+                >
+                  {label}
+                </span>
+                {required && isValid ? null : <span className="label-text-alt text-error">{errorText}</span>}
+                {info && <Info tooltip={info} placement={'left'} />}
+              </label>
+            )}
+            <div className="relative items-center">
+              <input
+                type="number"
+                placeholder={placeholder}
+                className={`${size} bg-light border border-secondary-200 placeholder-secondary-400 focus:outline-none block w-full sm:text-sm focus:ring-1 ${
+                  isValid ? '' : 'input-error'
+                }${className ? ` ${className}` : ''}`}
+                value={inputValue.toString()}
+                onChange={(e) => {
+                  if (required && validate) {
+                    setIsValid(validate(e.target.value));
+                  }
+                  setInputValue(Number(e.target.value));
+                  if (!lazy && onChange) {
+                    onChange(Number(e.target.value));
+                  }
+                }}
+                required={required}
+                disabled={disabled}
+                onKeyDown={(e) => {
+                  if (lazy && e.key === 'Enter') {
+                    if (onChange) {
+                      onChange(inputValue);
+                    }
+                  }
+                  if (onKeyDown) onKeyDown(e);
+                }}
+                max={max}
+                min={min}
+              />
+              {lazy && value !== inputValue && (
+                <div className="absolute top-0 right-1 h-full flex flex-row items-center">
+                  <Button
+                    className="hover:bg-success-600 hover:text-white border-none m-0 p-0 h-fit"
+                    variant="outline"
+                    tooltip="Apply Change"
+                    size={size}
+                    rounded
+                    iconComponent={'icon-[ic--round-check-circle-outline]'}
+                    onClick={() => {
+                      if (onChange) onChange(inputValue);
+                    }}
+                  ></Button>
+                  <Button
+                    className="hover:bg-warning-600 hover:text-white border-none m-0 p-0 h-fit"
+                    variant="outline"
+                    tooltip="Revert Change"
+                    size={size}
+                    rounded
+                    iconComponent={'icon-[ic--outline-cancel]'}
+                    onClick={() => {
+                      if (onRevert) onRevert(inputValue);
+                      setInputValue(value);
+                    }}
+                  ></Button>
+                </div>
+              )}
+            </div>
+          </TooltipTrigger>
+          {tooltip && <TooltipContent>{tooltip}</TooltipContent>}
+        </Tooltip>
+      </TooltipProvider>
+    </div>
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/inputs/inputs.module.scss b/libs/shared/lib/components/inputs/inputs.module.scss
index 71c96c83b3f9dfa43d2ed48c6b6b54434bcb02af..12c2c55b9af8b19f77f12ad66dd904678393cdad 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/components/inputs/inputs.module.scss
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/inputs/inputs.module.scss
@@ -23,11 +23,16 @@
 .input {
-  input[class~='xs'] {
+  input[class~='2xs'] {
     @apply py-0;
     @apply px-0;
     @apply sm:text-2xs;
+  input[class~='xs'] {
+    @apply py-0.5;
+    @apply px-0.5;
+    @apply sm:text-xs;
+  }
   input[class~='sm'] {
     @apply py-1;
     @apply px-1;
@@ -37,10 +42,6 @@
     @apply py-2;
     @apply px-3;
-  input[class~='md'] {
-    @apply py-2;
-    @apply px-3;
-  }
   input[class~='xl'] {
     @apply py-3;
     @apply px-5;
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/QueryBuilder.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/QueryBuilder.tsx
index 3e93ec3dab142e37f48ba3fe3bdf9999893ad42f..2c725687a8d38cad4c7928287d5d7c600a405cf2 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/QueryBuilder.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/QueryBuilder.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import {
+  useGraphQueryResult,
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/QueryBuilderNav.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/QueryBuilderNav.tsx
index d0b39b72d17196b8d5d3856db19e3dea4feeb473..f3110d640b8b1ef6fe5550ee03733cdc6534b806 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/QueryBuilderNav.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/QueryBuilderNav.tsx
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { ControlContainer, TooltipProvider, Tooltip, TooltipTrigger, Button, TooltipContent } from '../../components';
+import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react';
+import { ControlContainer, TooltipProvider, Tooltip, TooltipTrigger, Button, TooltipContent, Input } from '../../components';
 import { Popover, PopoverTrigger, PopoverContent } from '../../components/layout/Popover';
-import { useAppDispatch } from '../../data-access';
-import { clearQB } from '../../data-access/store/querybuilderSlice';
+import { useAppDispatch, useGraphQueryResult, useQuerybuilderSettings, useSchemaStats } from '../../data-access';
+import { clearQB, QueryBuilderSettings, setQuerybuilderSettings } from '../../data-access/store/querybuilderSlice';
 import { QueryMLDialog } from './querysidepanel/QueryMLDialog';
 import { QuerySettings } from './querysidepanel/QuerySettings';
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ export type QueryBuilderNavProps = {
 export const QueryBuilderNav = (props: QueryBuilderNavProps) => {
   const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
+  const qb = useQuerybuilderSettings();
+  const result = useGraphQueryResult();
+  const resultSize = useMemo(() => (result ? result.edges.length : 0), [result]);
    * Clears all nodes in the graph.
@@ -169,6 +172,45 @@ export const QueryBuilderNav = (props: QueryBuilderNavProps) => {
               <p>Query All Data</p>
           </Tooltip> */}
+            <Popover>
+              <PopoverTrigger>
+                <Tooltip>
+                  <TooltipTrigger>
+                    <Button
+                      variantType={qb.limit <= resultSize ? 'danger' : 'secondary'}
+                      variant="ghost"
+                      size="xs"
+                      iconComponent="icon-[ic--baseline-filter-alt]"
+                      className={qb.limit <= resultSize ? 'border-danger-600' : ''}
+                    />
+                  </TooltipTrigger>
+                  <TooltipContent disabled={props.toggleSettings === 'ml'}>
+                    <p className="font-bold text-base">Limit</p>
+                    <p>Limits the number of edges retrieved from the database.</p>
+                    <p>Required to manage performance.</p>
+                    <p className={`font-semibold${qb.limit <= resultSize ? ' text-danger-800' : ''}`}>
+                      Fetched {resultSize} of a maximum of {qb.limit} edges
+                    </p>
+                  </TooltipContent>
+                </Tooltip>
+              </PopoverTrigger>
+              <PopoverContent>
+                <div className="flex flex-col w-full gap-2 px-4 py-2">
+                  <span className="text-xs font-bold">Limit</span>
+                  <Input
+                    type="number"
+                    size="xs"
+                    value={qb.limit}
+                    lazy
+                    onChange={(e) => {
+                      dispatch(setQuerybuilderSettings({ ...qb, limit: Number(e) }));
+                    }}
+                    className={`w-24${qb.limit <= resultSize ? ' border-danger-600' : ''}`}
+                    containerClassName=""
+                  />
+                </div>
+              </PopoverContent>
+            </Popover>
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/querysidepanel/QuerySettings.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/querysidepanel/QuerySettings.tsx
index d3b36d1d94ce98c95bc4f859483c1a596bdc259d..f6e245459e7a4e780ea282268b4790dd2866fbfe 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/querysidepanel/QuerySettings.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/querybuilder/panel/querysidepanel/QuerySettings.tsx
@@ -40,16 +40,6 @@ export const QuerySettings = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, {}>((props, ref) =
           setState({ ...state, autocompleteRelation: value as any });
-      <Input
-        type="number"
-        tooltip="The maximum number of results to return"
-        label="Limit"
-        inline
-        size="sm"
-        value={state.limit}
-        onChange={(e) => setState({ ...state, limit: e })}
-      />
         label="Min Depth Default"