diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/assets/carbonIcons/carbonIcons.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/assets/carbonIcons/carbonIcons.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de379ae1ddce563e3c20fcd96ed0b4dfe8e7c803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/assets/carbonIcons/carbonIcons.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import type { SVGProps } from 'react';
+export function CarbonStringInteger(props: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1rem" height="1rem" viewBox="0 0 32 32" {...props}>
+      <path
+        fill="currentColor"
+        d="M26 12h-4v2h4v2h-3v2h3v2h-4v2h4a2.003 2.003 0 0 0 2-2v-6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2m-7 10h-6v-4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2v-2h-4v-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2v2h4zM8 20v-8H6v1H4v2h2v5H4v2h6v-2z"
+      ></path>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export function CarbonStringText(props: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1rem" height="1rem" viewBox="0 0 32 32" {...props}>
+      <path
+        fill="currentColor"
+        d="M29 22h-5a2.003 2.003 0 0 1-2-2v-6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h5v2h-5v6h5zM18 12h-4V8h-2v14h6a2.003 2.003 0 0 0 2-2v-6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2m-4 8v-6h4v6zm-6-8H3v2h5v2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h6v-8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2m0 8H4v-2h4z"
+      ></path>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export function CarbonCalendar(props: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1rem" height="1rem" viewBox="0 0 32 32" {...props}>
+      <path
+        fill="currentColor"
+        d="M26 4h-4V2h-2v2h-8V2h-2v2H6c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v20c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h20c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2m0 22H6V12h20zm0-16H6V6h4v2h2V6h8v2h2V6h4z"
+      ></path>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export function CarbonBoolean(props: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1rem" height="1rem" viewBox="0 0 32 32" {...props}>
+      <path fill="currentColor" d="M23 23a7 7 0 1 1 7-7a7.01 7.01 0 0 1-7 7m0-12a5 5 0 1 0 5 5a5.006 5.006 0 0 0-5-5"></path>
+      <circle cx={9} cy={16} r={7} fill="currentColor"></circle>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export function CarbonUndefined(props: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1rem" height="1rem" viewBox="0 0 32 32" {...props}>
+      <path fill="currentColor" d="M11 14h10v4H11z"></path>
+      <path
+        fill="currentColor"
+        d="M29.391 14.527L17.473 2.609A2.08 2.08 0 0 0 16 2c-.533 0-1.067.203-1.473.609L2.609 14.527C2.203 14.933 2 15.466 2 16s.203 1.067.609 1.473L14.526 29.39c.407.407.941.61 1.474.61s1.067-.203 1.473-.609L29.39 17.474c.407-.407.61-.94.61-1.474s-.203-1.067-.609-1.473M16 28.036L3.965 16L16 3.964L28.036 16z"
+      ></path>
+    </svg>
+  );
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/VisualizationTooltip.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/VisualizationTooltip.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53bebb390f11d4dc180cd54eb36e144883a7f7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/VisualizationTooltip.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { Icon } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components/icon';
+import { Numbers, Close } from '@mui/icons-material';
+import styles from './cardtooltipvis.module.scss';
+import { Tooltip, TooltipTrigger, TooltipContent, TooltipProvider } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components/tooltip';
+import {
+  CarbonStringInteger,
+  CarbonStringText,
+  CarbonCalendar,
+  CarbonBoolean,
+  CarbonUndefined,
+} from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/assets/carbonIcons/carbonIcons';
+export type CardToolTipVisProps = {
+  type: string;
+  name: string;
+  data: Record<string, any>;
+  typeOfSchema?: string;
+  colorHeader: string;
+  connectedTo?: string;
+  connectedFrom?: string;
+  maxVisibleItems?: number;
+  numberOfElements?: number;
+const formatNumber = (number: number) => {
+  return number.toLocaleString('de-DE'); // Format number with dots as thousand separators
+export const VisualizationTooltip: React.FC<CardToolTipVisProps> = ({
+  type,
+  name,
+  data,
+  colorHeader,
+  maxVisibleItems = 5,
+  connectedFrom,
+  connectedTo,
+  typeOfSchema,
+  numberOfElements,
+}) => {
+  const itemsToShow = Object.entries(data).slice(0, maxVisibleItems);
+  return (
+    <div className="border-1 border-sec-200 bg-white w-[12rem] -mx-2 -my-1">
+      <div className="flex m-0 justify-start items-stretch border-b border-sec-200 relative">
+        <div className="left-0 top-0 h-auto w-1.5" style={{ backgroundColor: colorHeader }}></div>
+        <div className="px-2.5 py-1 truncate flex">
+          <Tooltip>
+            <TooltipTrigger className={'flex max-w-full'}>
+              <span className="text-base font-semibold truncate">{name}</span>
+            </TooltipTrigger>
+            <TooltipContent side={'top'}>
+              <span>{name}</span>
+            </TooltipContent>
+          </Tooltip>
+        </div>
+        {/*
+        <div className="flex-shrink-0 ml-2">
+          <Button variantType="secondary" variant="ghost" size="xs" rounded={true} iconComponent={<Close />} onClick={() => {}} />
+        </div>
+        */}
+      </div>
+      {type === 'schema' && numberOfElements && (
+        <div className="px-4 py-1 border-b border-sec-200">
+          <div className="flex flex-row gap-1 items-center justify-between">
+            <Icon component={<Numbers />} size={24} /> <span className="ml-auto text-right">{formatNumber(numberOfElements)}</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      )}
+      {type === 'schema' && typeOfSchema === 'relationship' && (
+        <div className="px-4 py-1 border-b border-sec-200">
+          <div className="flex flex-row gap-3 items-center justify-between">
+            <span className="font-semibold">From</span>
+            <span className="ml-auto text-right">{connectedFrom}</span>
+          </div>
+          <div className="flex flex-row gap-1 items-center justify-between">
+            <span className="font-semibold">To</span>
+            <span className="ml-auto text-right">{connectedTo}</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      )}
+      <TooltipProvider delayDuration={300}>
+        <div className={`px-3 py-1.5 ${data.length > maxVisibleItems ? 'max-h-20 overflow-y-auto' : ''}`}>
+          {data && Object.keys(data).length === 0 ? (
+            <div className="flex justify-center items-center h-full">
+              <span>No attributes</span>
+            </div>
+          ) : (
+            Object.entries(data).map(([k, v]) => (
+              <Tooltip key={k}>
+                <div className="flex flex-row gap-1 items-center min-h-6">
+                  <span className={`font-semibold truncate ${type === 'schema' ? 'w-[90%]' : 'min-w-[40%]'}`}>{k}</span>
+                  <TooltipTrigger asChild>
+                    <span className="ml-auto text-right truncate grow-1 flex items-center">
+                      {type === 'schema' ? (
+                        <Icon
+                          className="ml-auto text-right flex-shrink-0"
+                          component={
+                            v === 'int' || v === 'float' ? (
+                              <CarbonStringInteger />
+                            ) : v === 'string' ? (
+                              <CarbonStringText />
+                            ) : v === 'boolean' ? (
+                              <CarbonBoolean />
+                            ) : v === 'date' ? (
+                              <CarbonCalendar />
+                            ) : v === 'undefined' ? (
+                              <CarbonUndefined />
+                            ) : (
+                              <CarbonUndefined />
+                            )
+                          }
+                          color="hsl(var(--clr-sec--400))"
+                          size={24}
+                        />
+                      ) : v !== undefined && (typeof v !== 'object' || Array.isArray(v)) && v != '' ? (
+                        <span className="ml-auto text-right truncate">{typeof v === 'number' ? formatNumber(v) : v.toString()}</span>
+                      ) : (
+                        <div className={`ml-auto mt-auto h-4 w-12 ${styles['diagonal-lines']}`}></div>
+                      )}
+                    </span>
+                  </TooltipTrigger>
+                  <TooltipContent side="right">
+                    <div className="max-w-[18rem] break-all line-clamp-6">
+                      {v !== undefined && (typeof v !== 'object' || Array.isArray(v)) && v != '' ? v : 'noData'}
+                    </div>
+                  </TooltipContent>
+                </div>
+              </Tooltip>
+            ))
+          )}
+        </div>
+      </TooltipProvider>
+    </div>
+  );
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/cardtooltipvis.module.scss b/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/cardtooltipvis.module.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87c1972b5ca11a5a2a5982ba44b80737f97a29bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/cardtooltipvis.module.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.diagonal-lines {
+  border: 1px solid lightgray;
+  background:
+    repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent, transparent 6px, #eaeaea 6px, #eaeaea 8px),
+    /* Gray diagonal lines */ linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent, transparent); /* Vertical gradient */
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/cardtooltipvis.stories.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/cardtooltipvis.stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed1149af71faed28de008cc99595b62fef53c177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/cardtooltipvis.stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
+import { VisualizationTooltip, CardToolTipVisProps } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis';
+const metaCardToolTipVis: Meta<typeof VisualizationTooltip> = {
+  component: VisualizationTooltip,
+  title: 'Components/CardToolTipVis',
+export default metaCardToolTipVis;
+type Story = StoryObj<typeof VisualizationTooltip>;
+export const SchemaNode: Story = {
+  render: (args) => {
+    return (
+      <div className="w-1/4 my-10 m-auto flex items-center justify-center">
+        <VisualizationTooltip {...args} />
+      </div>
+    );
+  },
+  args: {
+    type: 'schema',
+    typeOfSchema: 'node',
+    name: 'Person',
+    data: {
+      born: 'int',
+      name: 'string',
+      description: 'string',
+    },
+    colorHeader: '#fb7b04',
+    numberOfElements: 1000,
+  },
+export const SchemaRelationship: Story = {
+  render: (args) => {
+    return (
+      <div className="w-1/4 my-10 m-auto flex items-center justify-center">
+        <VisualizationTooltip {...args} />
+      </div>
+    );
+  },
+  args: {
+    type: 'schema',
+    typeOfSchema: 'relationship',
+    name: 'Directed',
+    data: {
+      born: 'int',
+      name: 'string',
+      description: 'string',
+      imdb: 'string',
+      imdbVotes: 'int',
+    },
+    colorHeader: '#0676C1',
+    connectedTo: 'Person',
+    numberOfElements: 231230,
+    connectedFrom: 'Movie',
+  },
+export const PopUpVis: Story = {
+  render: (args) => {
+    return (
+      <div className="w-1/4 my-10 m-auto flex items-center justify-center">
+        <VisualizationTooltip {...args} />
+      </div>
+    );
+  },
+  args: {
+    name: 'Person',
+    type: 'popupvis',
+    data: {
+      bio: 'From wikipedia was born in usa from a firefighter father',
+      name: 'Charlotte Henry',
+      born: {},
+      imdbRank: 21213,
+      imdbVotes: 1213,
+      poster: 'https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w440_and_h660_face/kTKiREs37qd8GUlNI4Koiupwy6W.jpg',
+      tmdbId: '94105',
+      country: undefined,
+      labels: ['Actor', 'Person', 'Human'],
+    },
+    colorHeader: '#B69AEf',
+  },
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/index.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..868ce59def8610e245aa616468def7f05ba42c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export * from './VisualizationTooltip';
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/icon.stories.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/icon.stories.tsx
index cad42fd6e227cbf69997acff02fb34b11bad6f57..9277a7c9fd049a2e70959d03852352cbc792543a 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/icon.stories.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/icon.stories.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { StoryObj, Meta } from '@storybook/react';
 import { Icon } from '../icon';
-import { ArrowBack, DeleteOutline, KeyboardArrowLeft, Settings } from '@mui/icons-material';
+import { ArrowBack } from '@mui/icons-material';
+import { CarbonStringInteger } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/assets/carbonIcons/carbonIcons';
 const Component: Meta<typeof Icon> = {
   title: 'Components/Icon',
   component: Icon,
@@ -21,8 +21,13 @@ const Component: Meta<typeof Icon> = {
 export default Component;
 type Story = StoryObj<typeof Component>;
-export const BaseIcon: Story = (args: any) => {
+export const MUIIcon: Story = (args: any) => {
   return <Icon component={<ArrowBack />} size={24} {...args} />;
-BaseIcon.args = {};
+export const CarbonIcon: Story = (args: any) => {
+  return <Icon component={<CarbonStringInteger />} size={24} {...args} />;
+MUIIcon.args = {};
+CarbonIcon.args = {};
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/index.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/index.tsx
index 4f2695cb556abfa1d7749e39146bcd663e1e8563..aa206f3a0297d7417b25d9286da7e28f24675da4 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/index.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/components/icon/index.tsx
@@ -1,18 +1,44 @@
-import React, { ReactElement } from 'react';
+import React, { ReactElement, ReactNode } from 'react';
 import { SVGProps } from 'react';
+// Define Sizes and IconProps types
 export type Sizes = 12 | 14 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | 32 | 40;
 export type IconProps = SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> & {
-  component: ReactElement<any>;
+  component: ReactNode | ReactElement<any>;
   size?: Sizes;
   color?: string;
+// Icon component definition
 export const Icon: React.FC<IconProps> = ({ component, size = 24, color, ...props }) => {
   if (!component) {
-    console.error(`No icon found`);
+    console.error('No icon found');
     return <div></div>;
-  return React.cloneElement(component, { style: { fontSize: size }, width: size, height: size, ...props });
+  const style = { fontSize: size, color };
+  // Check if component is a valid React element
+  if (React.isValidElement(component)) {
+    return React.cloneElement(component as ReactElement<any>, {
+      style: { ...style, ...(component as ReactElement<any>).props.style },
+      width: size,
+      height: size,
+      ...props,
+    });
+  }
+  // Check if component is a function (assume it's a custom SVG component)
+  if (typeof component === 'function') {
+    // Render the custom SVG component directly
+    return (
+      <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width={size} height={size} viewBox="0 0 32 32" style={style} {...props}>
+        {(component as () => ReactNode)()}
+      </svg>
+    );
+  }
+  // Default case: render null or fallback
+  console.error('Unsupported icon type');
+  return null;
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/inspector/InspectorPanel.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/inspector/InspectorPanel.tsx
index 84257549e272407a47c7a21b345685e3311ee656..5aebf62b2b452cac7d130d7ceea233aa7e431169 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/inspector/InspectorPanel.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/inspector/InspectorPanel.tsx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export function InspectorPanel(props: { children?: React.ReactNode }) {
   const { activeVisualizationIndex } = useVisualization();
   const inspector = useMemo(() => {
-    if (selection) return <SelectionConfig />;
+    //if (selection) return <SelectionConfig />;
     // if (!focus) return <ConnectionInspector />;
     // if (activeVisualizationIndex !== -1) return <ConnectionInspector />;
     return <VisualizationSettings />;
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/schema/model/reactflow.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/schema/model/reactflow.tsx
index 39a1211063ae736ce9ecf0bda5c041c8717a9a1e..d03ac91359ca2df9017ee351b923550b1c5bde11 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/schema/model/reactflow.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/schema/model/reactflow.tsx
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ export type SchemaReactflowEntity = SchemaReactflowData & {
   // handles: string[];
   connectedRatio: number;
   name: string;
+  x: number;
+  y: number;
+  reactFlowRef: any;
 export type SchemaReactflowRelation = SchemaReactflowData & {
@@ -42,6 +45,8 @@ export type SchemaReactflowRelation = SchemaReactflowData & {
   collection: string;
   fromRatio: number;
   toRatio: number;
+  x: number;
+  y: number;
 export type SchemaReactflowNodeWithFunctions = SchemaReactflowEntity & {
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/schema/panel/Schema.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/schema/panel/Schema.tsx
index ff7da823e9fcc8a74bfe88700695decb1565bc9b..ca35b37adbcc30b3de2c45e8bc1efba56c226990 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/schema/panel/Schema.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/schema/panel/Schema.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react';
 import { SmartBezierEdge, SmartStepEdge, SmartStraightEdge } from '@tisoap/react-flow-smart-edge';
-import ReactFlow, { Edge, Node, ReactFlowInstance, ReactFlowProvider, useEdgesState, useNodesState } from 'reactflow';
+import ReactFlow, { Edge, Node, ReactFlowInstance, ReactFlowProvider, useEdgesState, useNodesState, MiniMap } from 'reactflow';
 import 'reactflow/dist/style.css';
 import { Button } from '../../components/buttons';
 import { useSchemaGraph, useSchemaSettings, useSearchResultSchema } from '../../data-access';
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ import { SelfEdge } from '../pills/edges/self-edge';
 import { SchemaEntityPill } from '../pills/nodes/entity/SchemaEntityPill';
 import { SchemaRelationPill } from '../pills/nodes/relation/SchemaRelationPill';
 import { SchemaSettings } from './SchemaSettings';
-import { Settings } from '@mui/icons-material';
-import { ContentCopy, FitScreen, Fullscreen, KeyboardArrowDown, KeyboardArrowRight, Remove } from '@mui/icons-material';
+import { Settings, ContentCopy, Fullscreen, Remove } from '@mui/icons-material';
 import { AlgorithmToLayoutProvider, AllLayoutAlgorithms, LayoutFactory } from '../../graph-layout';
 import { ConnectionLine, ConnectionDragLine } from '../../querybuilder';
 import { schemaExpandRelation, schemaGraphology2Reactflow } from '../schema-utils';
@@ -97,7 +96,13 @@ export const Schema = (props: Props) => {
     const xy = bounds ? { x1: 50, x2: bounds.width - 50, y1: 50, y2: bounds.height - 200 } : { x1: 0, x2: 500, y1: 0, y2: 1000 };
     await layout.current?.layout(expandedSchema, xy);
     const schemaFlow = schemaGraphology2Reactflow(expandedSchema, settings.connectionType, settings.animatedEdges);
-    setNodes(schemaFlow.nodes);
+    const nodesWithRef = schemaFlow.nodes.map((node) => ({
+      ...node,
+      data: { ...node.data, reactFlowRef },
+    }));
+    setNodes(nodesWithRef);
     setTimeout(() => fitView(), 100);
@@ -115,6 +120,17 @@ export const Schema = (props: Props) => {
   }, [searchResults]);
+  const nodeColor = (node: any) => {
+    switch (node.type) {
+      case 'entity':
+        return '#fb7b04';
+      case 'relation':
+        return '#0676C1';
+      default:
+        return '#ff0072';
+    }
+  };
   return (
@@ -155,7 +171,15 @@ export const Schema = (props: Props) => {
-              <Button variantType="secondary" variant="ghost" size="xs" iconComponent={<FitScreen />} onClick={() => {}} />
+              <Button
+                variantType="secondary"
+                variant="ghost"
+                size="xs"
+                iconComponent={<Fullscreen />}
+                onClick={() => {
+                  fitView();
+                }}
+              />
               <p>Fit to screen</p>
@@ -202,7 +226,9 @@ export const Schema = (props: Props) => {
               proOptions={{ hideAttribution: true }}
-            ></ReactFlow>
+            >
+              <MiniMap nodeColor={nodeColor} />
+            </ReactFlow>
         {/* <div>
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/entity/SchemaEntityPill.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/entity/SchemaEntityPill.tsx
index d3bfe7ef250ae4162b7bde3582995eb899707f4b..3bf2158a58d8906758c2ed834dce67560e62287e 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/entity/SchemaEntityPill.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/entity/SchemaEntityPill.tsx
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
 import { Handle, Position, NodeProps } from 'reactflow';
 import { SchemaReactflowNodeWithFunctions } from '../../../model/reactflow';
 import { QueryElementTypes } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/querybuilder';
-import { SchemaEntityPopup } from './SchemaEntityPopup';
-import { Popup } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components/Popup';
 import { SchemaNode } from '../../../model';
 import { EntityPill } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components';
+import { Tooltip, TooltipContent, TooltipTrigger } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components/tooltip';
+import { VisualizationTooltip, CardToolTipVisProps } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis';
 export const SchemaEntityPill = React.memo(({ id, selected, data }: NodeProps<SchemaReactflowNodeWithFunctions>) => {
   const [openPopup, setOpenPopup] = useState(false);
+  const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
    * adds drag functionality in order to be able to drag the entityNode to the schema
    * @param event React Mouse drag event
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ export const SchemaEntityPill = React.memo(({ id, selected, data }: NodeProps<Sc
   return (
-      {openPopup && (
-        <Popup open={openPopup} hAnchor="left" className="-top-8" offset="-20rem">
-          <SchemaEntityPopup data={data} onClose={() => setOpenPopup(false)} />
-        </Popup>
-      )}
         className="w-fit h-fit"
         onDragStart={(event) => onDragStart(event)}
@@ -57,7 +51,34 @@ export const SchemaEntityPill = React.memo(({ id, selected, data }: NodeProps<Sc
+        ref={ref}
+        {openPopup && (
+          <Tooltip key={data.name} open={true} boundaryElement={data.reactFlowRef} showArrow={true}>
+            <TooltipTrigger />
+            <TooltipContent side="right">
+              <div>
+                <VisualizationTooltip
+                  type="schema"
+                  typeOfSchema="node"
+                  name={data.name}
+                  colorHeader="#fb7b04"
+                  numberOfElements={1000}
+                  data={data.attributes.reduce(
+                    (acc, attr) => {
+                      if (attr.name && attr.type) {
+                        acc[attr.name] = attr.type;
+                      }
+                      return acc;
+                    },
+                    {} as Record<string, string>,
+                  )}
+                />
+              </div>
+            </TooltipContent>
+          </Tooltip>
+        )}
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/entity/SchemaEntityPopup.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/entity/SchemaEntityPopup.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f5c9247f3e019a1da35c80ef9fc3bc61f0692b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/entity/SchemaEntityPopup.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- * This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science at
- * Utrecht University within the Software Project course.
- * © Copyright Utrecht University (Department of Information and Computing Sciences)
- */
-/* istanbul ignore file */
-/* The comment above was added so the code coverage wouldn't count this file towards code coverage.
- * We do not test components/renderfunctions/styling files.
- * See testing plan for more details.*/
-import { FormBody, FormCard, FormControl, FormHBar, FormTitle } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components/forms';
-import { SchemaReactflowEntity } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/schema/model';
-import { FormEvent } from 'react';
-export type SchemaEntityPopupProps = {
-  data: SchemaReactflowEntity;
-  onClose: () => void;
- * NodeQualityEntityPopupNode is the node that represents the popup that shows the node quality for an entity
- * @param data Input data of type NodeQualityDataForEntities, which is for the popup.
- */
-export const SchemaEntityPopup = (props: SchemaEntityPopupProps) => {
-  function submit() {
-    // dispatch(setSchemaSettings(state));
-    props.onClose();
-  }
-  return (
-    // <FormDiv hAnchor="left">
-    <>
-      <FormCard>
-        <FormBody
-          onSubmit={(e: FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
-            e.preventDefault();
-            submit();
-          }}
-        >
-          <FormTitle
-            title="Node Statistics"
-            // title={props.data.name}
-            onClose={props.onClose}
-          />
-          <FormHBar />
-          <span className="px-5 pt-2">
-            <span>Name</span>
-            <span className="float-right break-all text-wrap text-pretty font-light font-mono">{props.data.name}</span>
-          </span>
-          <FormHBar />
-          <span className="px-5 pt-2">
-            <span>Attributes</span>
-            <span className="float-right font-light font-mono">{props.data.attributes.length}</span>
-          </span>
-          {props.data.attributes.map((attribute: any) => {
-            return (
-              <div key={attribute.name} className="px-5 pt-1">
-                <span>{attribute.name}</span>
-                <span className="float-right font-light font-mono">{attribute.type}</span>
-              </div>
-            );
-          })}
-          <FormHBar />
-          <FormControl>
-            <button
-              className="btn btn-outline btn-accent border-0 btn-sm p-0 m-0 text-[0.8rem] mb-2 mx-2.5 min-h-0 h-5"
-              onClick={() => {
-                submit();
-              }}
-            >
-              Close
-            </button>
-          </FormControl>
-        </FormBody>
-      </FormCard>
-    </>
-  );
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/relation/SchemaRelationPill.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/relation/SchemaRelationPill.tsx
index 86cdfcdb88cbc70895c6a3c6632eb8f781531f88..10643f8106a77a4fa3db12dce2ecb3d656f303f0 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/relation/SchemaRelationPill.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/schema/pills/nodes/relation/SchemaRelationPill.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react';
 import { Handle, Position, NodeProps } from 'reactflow';
 import { SchemaReactflowRelationWithFunctions } from '../../../model/reactflow';
 import { QueryElementTypes } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/querybuilder';
@@ -7,8 +7,12 @@ import { SchemaRelationshipPopup } from './SchemaRelationshipPopup';
 import { SchemaEdge } from '../../../model';
 import { RelationPill } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components';
+import { Tooltip, TooltipContent, TooltipTrigger } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components/tooltip';
+import { VisualizationTooltip, CardToolTipVisProps } from '@graphpolaris/shared/lib/components/CardToolTipVis';
 export const SchemaRelationPill = React.memo(({ id, selected, data, ...props }: NodeProps<SchemaReactflowRelationWithFunctions>) => {
   const [openPopup, setOpenPopup] = useState(false);
+  const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
    * Adds drag functionality in order to be able to drag the relationNode to the schema.
@@ -43,14 +47,8 @@ export const SchemaRelationPill = React.memo(({ id, selected, data, ...props }:
   const onClickToggleAttributeAnalyticsPopupMenu = (): void => {
   return (
-      {openPopup && (
-        <Popup open={openPopup} hAnchor="left" className="-top-8" offset="-20rem">
-          <SchemaRelationshipPopup data={data} onClose={() => setOpenPopup(false)} />
-        </Popup>
-      )}
         className="w-fit h-fit"
         onDragStart={(event) => onDragStart(event)}
@@ -63,6 +61,37 @@ export const SchemaRelationPill = React.memo(({ id, selected, data, ...props }:
+        {openPopup && (
+          <Tooltip key={data.name} open={true} boundaryElement={ref} showArrow={true}>
+            <TooltipTrigger />
+            <TooltipContent side="top">
+              <div>
+                <VisualizationTooltip
+                  type="schema"
+                  typeOfSchema="relationship"
+                  name={data.collection}
+                  colorHeader="#0676C1"
+                  numberOfElements={1000}
+                  connectedFrom={data.from}
+                  connectedTo={data.to}
+                  data={
+                    data.attributes.length > 0
+                      ? data.attributes.reduce(
+                          (acc, attr) => {
+                            if (attr.name && attr.type) {
+                              acc[attr.name] = attr.type;
+                            }
+                            return acc;
+                          },
+                          {} as Record<string, string>,
+                        )
+                      : {}
+                  }
+                />
+              </div>
+            </TooltipContent>
+          </Tooltip>
+        )}
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/vis/visualizations/nodelinkvis/components/NLPixi.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/vis/visualizations/nodelinkvis/components/NLPixi.tsx
index 0cd2b32b9cc140bc19c8f4039d30b237e21f2d39..9f18518daab337c819ceb7ed06d969cae09625d8 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/vis/visualizations/nodelinkvis/components/NLPixi.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/vis/visualizations/nodelinkvis/components/NLPixi.tsx
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
     onMouseUpStage(event: FederatedPointerEvent) {
       if (props.configuration.showPopUpOnHover) return;
       // If its a short click (not a drag) on the stage but not on a node: clear the selection and remove all popups.
       const holdDownTime = event.timeStamp - (event as any).mouseDownTimeStamp;
       if (holdDownTime < mouseClickThreshold) {
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
     onMoved(event: MovedEvent) {
       if (props.configuration.showPopUpOnHover) return;
       for (const popup of popups) {
         if (popup.node.x == null || popup.node.y == null) continue;
         popup.pos.x = event.viewport.transform.position.x + popup.node.x * event.viewport.scale.x;
@@ -220,17 +220,17 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
     onZoom(event: FederatedPointerEvent) {
       const scale = viewport.current!.transform.scale.x;
       if (graph.current.nodes.length < config.LABEL_MAX_NODES) {
-        labelLayer.alpha = (scale > 2) ? Math.min(1, (scale - 2) * 3) : 0;
+        labelLayer.alpha = scale > 2 ? Math.min(1, (scale - 2) * 3) : 0;
         if (labelLayer.alpha > 0) {
           labelLayer.renderable = true;
-          const scale  = 1 / viewport.current!.scale.x;  // starts from 0.5 down to 0.
+          const scale = 1 / viewport.current!.scale.x; // starts from 0.5 down to 0.
           // Only change the fontSize for specific intervals, continuous change has too big of an impact on performance
-          const fontSize = (scale < 0.1) ? 30 : (scale < 0.2) ? 40 : (scale < 0.3) ? 50 : 60;
+          const fontSize = scale < 0.1 ? 30 : scale < 0.2 ? 40 : scale < 0.3 ? 50 : 60;
           const strokeWidth = fontSize / 2;
           labelMap.current.forEach((text) => {
             text.style.fontSize = fontSize;
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
           labelLayer.renderable = false;
-    }
+    },
   function resize() {
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
     const linkMeta = props.graph.links[link._id];
-    const text = new Text(linkMeta.name, { 
+    const text = new Text(linkMeta.name, {
       fontSize: 60,
       fill: config.LINE_COLOR_DEFAULT,
       stroke: 0xffffff,
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
     text.cullable = true;
     text.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
-    text.scale.set(0.1, .1);
+    text.scale.set(0.1, 0.1);
     labelMap.current.set(link._id, text);
@@ -466,11 +466,12 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
     text.x = (source.x + target.x) / 2;
     text.y = (source.y + target.y) / 2;
     const length = Math.hypot(target.x - source.x, target.y - source.y);
     // Skip rendering labels on very short edges
-    if (length < text.width + 10) { // 10 to account for size of node
+    if (length < text.width + 10) {
+      // 10 to account for size of node
       text.alpha = 0;
     } else {
@@ -478,7 +479,7 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
     const rads = Math.atan2(target.y - source.y, target.x - source.x);
-    text.rotation = rads
+    text.rotation = rads;
     const degrees = Math.abs(text.angle % 360);
@@ -488,8 +489,7 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
     } else {
       text.rotation = rads;
-  }
+  };
   // const text = labelMap.current.get(link._id);
   //   if (!text) return;
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
   //   text.x = (source.x + target.x) / 2;
   //   text.y = (source.y + target.y) / 2;
   //   const rads = Math.atan2(target.y - source.y, target.x - source.x);
   //   const degrees = Math.abs(text.angle % 360);
@@ -773,18 +773,22 @@ export const NLPixi = (props: Props) => {
         <Tooltip key={popup.node._id} open={true} interactive={!dragging} boundaryElement={ref} showArrow={true}>
           <TooltipTrigger x={popup.pos.x} y={popup.pos.y} />
-            <NLPopup onClose={() => {}} data={{node: props.graph.nodes[popup.node._id], pos: popup.pos}} key={popup.node._id} />
+            <NLPopup onClose={() => {}} data={{ node: props.graph.nodes[popup.node._id], pos: popup.pos }} key={popup.node._id} />
-      {quickPopup != null && 
+      {quickPopup != null && (
         <Tooltip key={quickPopup.node._id} open={true} boundaryElement={ref} showArrow={true}>
           <TooltipTrigger x={quickPopup.pos.x} y={quickPopup.pos.y} />
-            <NLPopup onClose={() => {}} data={{node: props.graph.nodes[quickPopup.node._id], pos: quickPopup.pos}} key={quickPopup.node._id} />
+            <NLPopup
+              onClose={() => {}}
+              data={{ node: props.graph.nodes[quickPopup.node._id], pos: quickPopup.pos }}
+              key={quickPopup.node._id}
+            />
-      }
+      )}
         className="h-full w-full overflow-hidden"
diff --git a/libs/shared/lib/vis/visualizations/nodelinkvis/components/utils.tsx b/libs/shared/lib/vis/visualizations/nodelinkvis/components/utils.tsx
index 173dbecc61b9b031fbc5dd7613d94858170b4541..6e336b56f23cd36053a2b820f49b7a3cd21d4a11 100644
--- a/libs/shared/lib/vis/visualizations/nodelinkvis/components/utils.tsx
+++ b/libs/shared/lib/vis/visualizations/nodelinkvis/components/utils.tsx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { GraphType, LinkType, NodeType } from '../types';
 export function nodeColor(num: number) {
   // num = num % 4;
   // const col = '#000000';
-  let entityColors = Object.values(visualizationColors.GPSeq.colors[9]);
+  //let entityColors = Object.values(visualizationColors.GPSeq.colors[9]);
   const col = visualizationColors.GPCat.colors[14][num % visualizationColors.GPCat.colors[14].length];
   return binaryColor(col);
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export function nodeColorHex(num: number) {
   // num = num % 4;
   // const col = '#000000';
-  let entityColors = Object.values(visualizationColors.GPSeq.colors[9]);
+  //let entityColors = Object.values(visualizationColors.GPSeq.colors[9]);
   const col = visualizationColors.GPCat.colors[14][num % visualizationColors.GPCat.colors[14].length];
   return col;