diff --git a/examples/abs b/examples/abs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85e39d7a724b857d1e70fd28cd3ace646264ba85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/abs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+abs ( x : int | y : int ) {
+    assume x > 0;
+    if x[ 0 ] < 0 then y := 0 else skip ;
+    assert y > 0
diff --git a/program-semantics.cabal b/program-semantics.cabal
index 0b5b3579d8a303f35042784e39e366ce6bb2e27d..cff4c71189b600eedf7eafadf4084fdf1ece1590 100644
--- a/program-semantics.cabal
+++ b/program-semantics.cabal
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ executable program-semantics
                        , WLP.LogicalExpression
                        , WLP.MathExpression
                        , WLP.WLPCalculator
+                       , WLP.ProgramPath
   -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
   -- other-extensions:
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 6a4888dc2fe672ad404c4a046258f3c1c39922a3..b48bf7a02a84b6da804689a69f7bff6a0568e09e 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import GCLLexer.Lexer
 import System.Environment
 import WLP.LogicalExpression
+import WLP.ProgramPath
 import WLP.WLPCalculator
 main :: IO ()
@@ -15,12 +16,19 @@ main = do
     [fp] <- getArgs
     file <- readFile fp
     let tokens = lexer file
+    putStrLn "Tokens: "
+    putStrLn . show $ tokens
     let parsed = parseGCL tokens
-    putStrLn (show parsed)
     case parsed of
-      Left xs -> return ()
+      Left xs -> putStrLn "Could not parse program. Error:" >> print xs
       Right program -> do
         -- We gotta turn the AST into a logical formula based on the wlp
-        let wlpFormula = foldProgram programToWLPAlgebra program
-        putStrLn . show $ wlpFormula
+        let paths = getProgramPaths maxPathLength program
+        putStrLn "Program paths: "
+        sequence_ ((\p -> putStrLn $ show p) <$> paths)
+maxPathLength :: Int
+maxPathLength = 20
diff --git a/src/WLP/ProgramPath.hs b/src/WLP/ProgramPath.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f8e1d29556c61ad4da040966cb4d2dee6a6728cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/WLP/ProgramPath.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+module WLP.ProgramPath
+  ( ProgramPath
+  , getProgramPaths
+  , PathLength
+  )
+import GCLParser.GCLAlgebra
+import GCLParser.GCLDatatype
+-- Program paths and stuff
+-- The program paths are all just a single statement (using Seq), so we use that.
+type ProgramPath = Stmt
+type PathLength = Int
+-- | Gets all program paths from the program with the given max path length.
+-- Note that some statements might be expanded to multiple statements, and the
+-- path length is based on the length of the expanded statements. Additionally,
+-- some statements might be removed (like Skip).
+getProgramPaths :: PathLength -> Program -> [ProgramPath]
+getProgramPaths l p = foldProgram programPathAlgebra p l
+programPathAlgebra :: ProgramAlgebra PrimitiveType Type VarDeclaration (PathLength -> [ProgramPath]) Expr BinOp (PathLength -> [ProgramPath])
+programPathAlgebra =
+  ( program
+  , variableDeclaration
+  , ( ptInt
+    , ptBool
+    )
+  , ( ptype
+    , reftype
+    , arraytype
+    )
+  , ( skip
+    , assert
+    , assume
+    , assign
+    , aassign
+    , drefassign
+    , seq
+    , ifthenelse
+    , while
+    , block
+    , trycatch
+    )
+  , ( var
+    , liti
+    , litb
+    , litnull
+    , parens
+    , arrayelem
+    , opneg
+    , binopexpr
+    , forall
+    , sizeof
+    , repby
+    , cond
+    , newstore
+    , dereference
+    )
+  , ( and
+    , or
+    , implication
+    , lessthan
+    , lessthanequal
+    , greaterthan
+    , greaterthanequal
+    , equal
+    , minus
+    , plus
+    , multiply
+    , divide
+    , alias
+    )
+  )
+  where
+    program s i o stmt  = stmt
+    variableDeclaration = VarDeclaration
+    ptInt               = PTInt
+    ptBool              = PTBool
+    ptype               = PType
+    reftype             = RefType
+    arraytype           = AType
+    skip                = \_ -> [Skip] -- Only for the moment, but should be removed later!
+    assert me           = \_ -> [Assert me]
+    assume me           = \_ -> [Assume me]
+    assign var e        = \_ -> [Assign var e]
+    aassign var i v     = \_ -> [AAssign var i v]
+    drefassign var v    = \_ -> [DrefAssign var v]
+    seq s1 s2           = \l ->
+                            let p1 = s1 l
+                                p2 = s2 l
+                            in filter ((<l) . pathLength) [Seq a b | a <- p1, b <- p2]
+    ifthenelse g s1 s2  = \l -> concat ((\t e -> [Seq (Assume g) t, Seq (Assume (OpNeg g)) e]) <$> s1 l <*> s2 l)
+    while g s           = \l -> (unrollWhile g l s)
+    block decls s       = \l -> [Block decls] <*> s l
+    trycatch            = undefined -- TryCatch - Non-trivial, but optional.
+    var                 = Var
+    liti                = LitI
+    litb                = LitB
+    litnull             = LitNull
+    parens              = Parens
+    arrayelem           = ArrayElem
+    opneg               = OpNeg
+    binopexpr           = BinopExpr
+    forall              = Forall
+    sizeof              = SizeOf
+    repby               = RepBy
+    cond                = Cond
+    newstore            = NewStore
+    dereference         = Dereference
+    and                 = And
+    or                  = Or
+    implication         = Implication
+    lessthan            = LessThan
+    lessthanequal       = LessThanEqual
+    greaterthan         = GreaterThan
+    greaterthanequal    = GreaterThanEqual
+    equal               = Equal
+    minus               = Minus
+    plus                = Plus
+    multiply            = Multiply
+    divide              = Divide
+    alias               = Alias
+-- Note that this path should no longer contain ifs and whiles, but should be
+-- the unrolled variants of those statements.
+pathLength :: ProgramPath -> PathLength
+pathLength (Seq s1 s2) = pathLength s1 + pathLength s2
+pathLength _           = 1
+-- | Unrolls a while-statement into all possible program paths. The while-loop
+-- is defined by the given expression (the guard expression) and the body. The
+-- list of all program paths is infinite, and therefore the second argument
+-- (`PathLength`) is used to limit the allowed length of the path. The body is
+-- the third argument (`PathLength` -> [`ProgramPath`]). This comes from the type of
+-- the enclosing `programPathAlgebra`.
+-- Returns a [`Stmt`], which is a list of the program paths that can be
+-- traversed within this while-loop.
+unrollWhile :: Expr -> PathLength -> (PathLength -> [ProgramPath]) -> [ProgramPath]
+unrollWhile g ml s = uw' g ml s []
+  where
+    -- This function takes the guard expression, the max path length, and the
+    -- statement, as well as the list of previously found paths, and returns
+    -- the previously found paths prepended by a single iteration of the loop.
+    -- Note that calling this function with no paths returns the path where the
+    -- loop is never entered.
+    uw' g ml s []
+      = let xs = [Seq (Assume (OpNeg g)) Skip] in xs `seq` (xs ++ uw' g ml s xs)
+    uw' g ml s prev
+      = let xs =  [ Seq (Assume g) (Seq s' p)
+                  | s' <- s ml
+                  , p <- prev
+                  , pathLength p + pathLength s' < ml
+                  ]
+        in  seq xs $ case xs of
+          [] -> []
+          xs -> (xs ++ uw' g ml s xs)