diff --git a/__pycache__/offline.cpython-310.pyc b/__pycache__/offline.cpython-310.pyc
index 5efa3c684dd1250014f4476d08736088512164ae..155ed6b0c423da99ddf4463dcc1863917313ac7c 100644
Binary files a/__pycache__/offline.cpython-310.pyc and b/__pycache__/offline.cpython-310.pyc differ
diff --git a/offline.py b/offline.py
index 97b006a34a4495900817d8c9db7336daa3ec5a5b..2e43b84b95fd2557630527dda48416d2ce5f7675 100644
--- a/offline.py
+++ b/offline.py
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ from gurobipy import GRB
 import copy
 def Solve(images, blackouts):
-    # TODO: if there are no blackouts, no need for the LP, just take the sum of all lengths and put images in random order
-    # now the LP crashes if this is the case because there are no indices for the blackouts
+    # if there are no blackouts, just send the images in a random order after eachother
     image_count = len(images)
     blackout_count = len(blackouts)
     if blackout_count == 0:
@@ -24,11 +23,11 @@ def Solve(images, blackouts):
     br = blackouts # tuples (b^L_br, b^U_br) = [start, end)
     js = images # real number p_j = image size
-    ts = calculate_whiteboxes(copy.deepcopy(blackouts)) # tuples (time_t, δ_t) = [start, end)
+    white_boxes = calculate_whiteboxes(copy.deepcopy(blackouts)) # tuples (time_t, δ_t) = [start, duration)
-    print(f"br {blackout_count} = {br}")
-    print(f"\njs {image_count} = {js}")
-    print(f"\nts {whitebox_count} = {ts}")
+    print(f"br |{blackout_count}| = {br}")
+    print(f"\njs |{image_count}| = {js}")
+    print(f"\nts |{whitebox_count}| = {white_boxes}")
     h = GRB.INFINITY # time horizon = infinite
@@ -42,105 +41,201 @@ def Solve(images, blackouts):
     ms = model.addVar(lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # makespan, objective function minimization value, bounded with constraints
     # P_j_br = model.addVars(image_count, blackout_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # preemption time, will be set to 0 in Eq (33)
     PV_t = model.addVars(whitebox_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # sum of length of images in whitebox t
-    Tf_j = model.addVars(image_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # finish of image j
-    Tf_t  = model.addVars(whitebox_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # finish of all images in whitebox t
-    Ts_j = model.addVars(image_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # start of image j
-    Ts_t = model.addVars(whitebox_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # start of timeslot t, probably redundant
+    Tf_j = model.addVars(image_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # finish time of image j
+    Tf_t  = model.addVars(whitebox_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # finish time of ALL images in whitebox t
+    Ts_j = model.addVars(image_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # start of processing of image j
+    # Ts_t = model.addVars(whitebox_count,lb=0,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) # start of timeslot t, probably redundant
     X_j_t = model.addVars(image_count, whitebox_count,vtype=GRB.BINARY) # order j in whitebox t
     Xfree_t = model.addVars(whitebox_count,vtype=GRB.BINARY) # whitebox t has no images in it
-    Y_j_jprime = model.addVars(image_count, image_count,vtype=GRB.BINARY) # image j comes before image j' in the global order
+    # Y_j_jprime = model.addVars(image_count, image_count,vtype=GRB.BINARY) # image j comes before image j' in the global order
     YA_j_br = model.addVars(image_count, blackout_count,vtype=GRB.BINARY) # order j starts after blackbox br
     YB_j_br = model.addVars(image_count, blackout_count,vtype=GRB.BINARY) # order j finishes before blackbox br
-    # model.addConstr(Y_j_jprime[0,0] == 0)
-    # model.addConstr(Y_j_jprime[0,1] == 0)
-    # model.addConstr(Y_j_jprime[1,0] == 1)
-    # model.addConstr(Y_j_jprime[1,1] == 0)
     # (1) minimize makespan
     model.setObjective(ms, GRB.MINIMIZE)
-    # (3) 
+    # (3) make sure the starttime and endtime are exactly picture size apart
     model.addConstrs((Tf_j[j] - Ts_j[j] == js[j] 
         for j in range(image_count)), 
-    # (4)
-    model.addConstrs((Tf_j[j] * Y_j_jprime[j,jprime] <= Ts_j[jprime] * Y_j_jprime[j,jprime] 
-        for j in range(image_count) 
-        for jprime in range(image_count)), 
-        name="Eq(4)")
+    # (4) let the finishtime of a picture scheduled before another be lower or equal to the starting time of the later picture
+    # model.addConstrs((Tf_j[j] * Y_j_jprime[j,jprime] <= Ts_j[jprime] * Y_j_jprime[j,jprime]
+    #     for j in range(image_count) 
+    #     for jprime in range(image_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(4)")
     # (4 v2)
     # model.addConstrs((Tf_j[j] <= Ts_j[jprime] + tfU_j * (1 - Y_j_jprime[j,jprime])
     #     for j in range(image_count) 
     #     for jprime in range(image_count)), 
     #     name="Eq(4 v2)")
-    # (4 v3)
-    # for j in range(image_count):
-    #     for jprime in range(j+1,image_count):
-    #         model.addConstr((Tf_j[j] <= Ts_j[jprime] + tfU_j * (1 - Y_j_jprime[j,jprime])), 
-    #         name="Eq(4 v2)")
-    # # (5 v3)
-    # for j in range(image_count):
-    #     for jprime in range(j+1,image_count):
-    #         model.addConstr((Tf_j[jprime] <= Ts_j[j] + tfU_j * (1 + Y_j_jprime[j,jprime])), 
-    #         name="Eq(5 v3)")
+    # (5)
+    # model.addConstrs((Tf_j[jprime] * Y_j_jprime[j,jprime] <= Ts_j[j] * Y_j_jprime[j,jprime]
+    #     for j in range(image_count) 
+    #     for jprime in range(image_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(5)")
+    """
+    penalty:
+    For all images:
+        eindtijd <- {begintijd whitbox} + {size of all images in whitebox}
+    """
+    """
+    penalty:
+    For all images:
+        eindtijd Tf_j <- {PV_T van whitebox waar die in zit}
+    """
     # (9)
-    model.addConstrs((ms >= Tf_j[j] 
-        for j in range(image_count)), 
-        name="Eq(9)")
-    # (11)
-    model.addConstrs((Ts_t[t+1] >= Tf_t[t] 
-        for t in range(whitebox_count - 1)), 
-        name="Eq(11)")
-    # (13)
-    model.addConstrs((Tf_t[t] - Ts_t[t] == PV_t[t] 
+    # model.addConstrs((ms >= Tf_j[j] 
+    #     for j in range(image_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(9)")
+    # (9 V2)
+    model.addConstrs((ms >= (PV_t[t] + white_boxes[t][0]) * (1-Xfree_t[t])
+        for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
+        name="Eq(9 V2)")
+    # # (11)
+    # model.addConstrs((white_boxes[t+1][0] >= Tf_t[t] 
+    #     for t in range(whitebox_count - 1)), 
+    #     name="Eq(11)")
+    # (13) set the PV_T
+    # model.addConstrs((Tf_t[t] - white_boxes[t][0] >= PV_t[t] 
+    #     for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(13)")
+    # (13) set the PV_T
+    model.addConstrs((white_boxes[t][1] >= PV_t[t] 
         for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
     # (17)
+    # model.addConstrs((gp.quicksum(X_j_t[j,t] for j in range(image_count))
+    #     + Xfree_t[t] 
+    #     == 1
+    #     for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(17)")
+    # model.addConstrs((bool(gp.quicksum(X_j_t[j,t] for j in range(image_count)))
+    #     + Xfree_t[t] 
+    #     == 1
+    #     for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(17)")
+    # (17 v2) SET Xfree_t
     model.addConstrs((gp.quicksum(X_j_t[j,t] for j in range(image_count))
         + Xfree_t[t] 
-        == 1
+        >= 1 # don't limit 1 image per whitebox t
+        for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
+        name="Eq(17)")
+    # Xfree_t <= 1 to make it binary
+    model.addConstrs((Xfree_t[t] <= 1
+        for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
+        name="Eq(17)")
+    # Set Xfree to 0 if whitebox is not empty
+    model.addConstrs((gp.quicksum(X_j_t[j,t] for j in range(image_count))
+        * Xfree_t[t] 
+        == 0
         for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
-    # (19)
+    """
+    Als som > 0 is
+    >>> iets * 0 = 0 <<<
+    0 == som * Xfree_t
+    0 == 123 * X  --> X = 1
+    0 == 0 * X    --> X kan van alles worden 
+    X <= 1
+    Xfree_t -> 0
+    """
+    """
+    for whiteboxes:
+        Sommeer dit: 
+        PV_T + starttijd whitebox            
+    """
+    """
+    V Xfree_t -> 1 als whitebox leeg is
+    X Xfree_t -> 0 als whitebox niet leeg is ==> som over j van X_j_t >= 1 voor alle T
+    1. test_t <= 1
+    2. test_t >= som over j van X_j_t
+    3. Xfree_t == 1 - test_t
+    (som + 1) * Xfree_t === som * Xfree_t
+    * (1 - Xfree_t)
+    gp.quicksum(X_j_t[j,t]) -> aantal images in whitebox
+    """
+    # model.addConstrs((gp.quicksum(X_j_t[j,t] for j in range(image_count))
+    #     + Xfree_t[t] 
+    #     <= 1
+    #     for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(17)")
+    # (19) makes sure each image is send once
         for t in range (whitebox_count)) == 1 
         for j in range (image_count)), 
-    # (20)
+    # # (20)
     model.addConstrs((PV_t[t] == gp.quicksum(js[j] * X_j_t[j,t] 
         for j in range(image_count))
         for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
+    # # (20.2)
+    model.addConstrs((PV_t[t] <= white_boxes[t][1]
+        for t in range(whitebox_count)), 
+        name="Eq(20.2)")
     # (32)
-    # model.addConstrs((YB_j_br[j,br_index] + YA_j_br[j,br_index] == X_j_t[j,t] 
+    # model.addConstrs((YB_j_br[j,br_index] + YA_j_br[j,br_index] == X_j_t[j,t]
     #     for j in range(image_count) 
     #     for t in range (whitebox_count) 
     #     for br_index in range(blackout_count)), 
     #     name="Eq(32)")
     # (33)
-    # model.addConstrs((P_j_br[j,br_index] == 0 for j in range(image_count) 
+    # model.addConstrs((P_j_br[j,br_index] == 0 for j in range(image_count)
     #     for br_index in range(blackout_count)), 
     #     name="Eq(33)")
     # (34)
-    model.addConstrs((br[br_index][1] * YA_j_br[j,br_index] <= Ts_j[j] 
-        for br_index in range(blackout_count) 
-        for j in range(image_count)), 
-        name="Eq(34)")
-    # (35)
-    model.addConstrs((Ts_j[j] <= br[br_index][0] * YB_j_br[j, br_index] + YA_j_br[j, br_index] * GRB.INFINITY
-        for j in range(image_count) 
-        for br_index in range(blackout_count)), 
-        name="Eq(35)")
-    # (36)
-    model.addConstrs((br[br_index][1] * YA_j_br[j,br_index] <= Tf_j[j] 
-        for br_index in range(blackout_count) 
-        for j in range(image_count)), 
-        name="Eq(36)")
-    # (37)
-    model.addConstrs((Tf_j[j] <= br[br_index][0] * YB_j_br[j, br_index]
-        for j in range(image_count) 
-        for br_index in range(blackout_count)), 
-        name="Eq(37)")
+    # model.addConstrs((br[br_index][1] * YA_j_br[j,br_index] <= Ts_j[j] 
+    #     for br_index in range(blackout_count) 
+    #     for j in range(image_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(34)")
+    # # (35)
+    # model.addConstrs((Ts_j[j] <= br[br_index][0] * YB_j_br[j, br_index] + YA_j_br[j, br_index] * GRB.INFINITY
+    #     for j in range(image_count) 
+    #     for br_index in range(blackout_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(35)")
+    # # (36)
+    # model.addConstrs((br[br_index][1] * YA_j_br[j,br_index] <= Tf_j[j] 
+    #     for br_index in range(blackout_count) 
+    #     for j in range(image_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(36)")
+    # # (37)
+    # model.addConstrs((Tf_j[j] <= br[br_index][0] * YB_j_br[j, br_index]
+    #     for j in range(image_count) 
+    #     for br_index in range(blackout_count)), 
+    #     name="Eq(37)")
@@ -150,36 +245,46 @@ def Solve(images, blackouts):
     if model.status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
         deletus = starts.pop()
         time = model.ObjVal
-        print('\nFinish time: %g' % time)
+        # print('\nWhitebox times:')
+        # for t in range(whitebox_count):
+        #     wbtimestart = white_boxes[t][0]
+        #     wbtimefinish = Tf_t[t].X
+        #     print(f"Wb {t} starts t={wbtimestart} finishes t={wbtimefinish}")
+        #     starts.append(t)
-        print("White box decision variables:")
+        print("\nWhite box decision variables:")
         for (j,t) in X_j_t:
             print(f"(im{j},wb{t}) = {X_j_t[j,t].X}")
-        print('\nTimes:')
-        for im in Ts_j:
-            ts = Ts_j[im].X
-            tf = Tf_j[im].X
-            print(f"Image {im} starts t={ts} finishes t={tf}")
-            starts.append(t)
-        print('\nOrder:')
-        for im in Ts_j:
-            for im2 in Ts_j:
-                print(f"{im} before {im2}: {Y_j_jprime[im, im2].X}")
+        # print('\nOrder:')
+        # for im in Ts_j:
+        #     for im2 in Ts_j:
+        #         print(f"{im} before {im2}: {Y_j_jprime[im, im2].X}")
-        print('\nWhitebox contains:')
-        for t in PV_t:
-                print(f"wb{t} is {Xfree_t[t].X} empty and holds length {PV_t[t].X} of images")
-        print('\nBlackboxes before/after:')
+        print('\nImage before/after blackbox:')
         for (j,br_index) in YA_j_br:
             print(f"YA_{j}_{br_index}: image {j} after blackbox {br_index} = {YA_j_br[j,br_index].X}")
             print(f"YB_{j}_{br_index}: image {j} before blackbox {br_index} = {YB_j_br[j,br_index].X}")
+            print(f"(34) {br[br_index][1]} * {YA_j_br[j,br_index].X} <= {Ts_j[j].X}")
+            print(f"(35) {Ts_j[j].X} <= {br[br_index][0]} * {YB_j_br[j, br_index].X} + {YA_j_br[j, br_index].X} * infinity")
+            print(f"(36) {br[br_index][1]} * {YA_j_br[j,br_index].X} <= {Tf_j[j].X}")
+            print(f"(37) {Tf_j[j].X} <= {br[br_index][0]} * {YB_j_br[j, br_index].X}\n")
+        print('\nFinish time: %g' % time)
+        print('Whitebox contains:')
+        for t in PV_t:
+                print(f"wb{t} is {Xfree_t[t].X} empty and holds length {PV_t[t].X} of images")
+        # print('\nImage times:')
+        # for im in Ts_j:
+        #     jtimestart = Ts_j[im].X
+        #     jtimefinish = Tf_j[im].X
+        #     print(f"Image {im} starts t={jtimestart} finishes t={jtimefinish}")
+        #     starts.append(t)
-        print('\nNo solution, reason:')
+        print('\nNo solution, Check input or constraints! Reason:')
         iis = model.computeIIS() # Irreducible Infeasible Subsystem, https://support.gurobi.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029969391-How-do-I-determine-why-my-model-is-infeasible-
@@ -194,7 +299,7 @@ def calculate_whiteboxes(blackouts):
     if (len(blackouts) == 0): # no black boxes, so whitebox length is infinite
         return [(0, GRB.INFINITY)]
-    current_blackout = blackouts.pop()
+    current_blackout = blackouts[0]
     begin = 0
     end = current_blackout[0]
     wb.append((begin, end - begin))
@@ -202,7 +307,7 @@ def calculate_whiteboxes(blackouts):
     for i in range(1, len(blackouts) + 2):
         begin = current_blackout[1]
         if (i < length):
-            current_blackout = blackouts.pop()
+            current_blackout = blackouts[i]
             end = current_blackout[0]
             wb.append((begin, end - begin))
diff --git a/t4_in.txt b/t4_in.txt
index cf65d86d9abe2d0915a0b0a3ed67f4b02fc1a9af..657f0aaa6a50c77c715ae57a5da82256c70a5efb 100644
--- a/t4_in.txt
+++ b/t4_in.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-25, 5
\ No newline at end of file
+100, 25
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/t4_out.txt b/t4_out.txt
index c006f6e306eeba32ae49910dc6aa351c5980224f..c210f24f5ad9c942ff9a94b0d5b034be0b2182c7 100644
--- a/t4_out.txt
+++ b/t4_out.txt
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file