diff --git a/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs b/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs
index f9b850c50c2299c1cf95c60349cd09943ca38240..e31b77cf42bef4e15bd00a43ef3090819716b3f7 100644
--- a/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs
+++ b/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-using System;
+using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices;
+using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Drawing;
 using System.Linq;
@@ -17,15 +18,15 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
     internal class BlackJack : Form
         BJSTATE state;
-        int money = 1000;
+        int money;
         int deploydMoney = 0;
         const string DIR = @"..\..\..\Resources\BlackJack\";
         FontFamily BJFont = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif;
         Size screen = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size;
-        Panel DefaultPanel; // always visible
-        Panel SetupPanel;   // visibility depends on game state
+        // visibility depends on game state
+        Panel SetupPanel;
         Panel GamePanel;
         Panel ResultPanel;
@@ -38,26 +39,37 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             state = BJSTATE.Setup;
             WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
             BackColor = Color.DarkGreen;
             Paint += BlackJack_Paint;
+            money = ReadMoney();
+        private int ReadMoney() //TODO read money from local file
+        {
+            return 1000;
+        }
         private void SetupUI()
-            //Default
-            DefaultPanel = new Panel();
-            DefaultPanel.Size = new Size(screen.Width/2,screen.Height);
-            DefaultPanel.Location = new Point(screen.Width / 4, 0);
+            //Setup
+            #region SetupPanel
+            SetupPanel = new Panel();
+            SetupPanel.Size = new Size(screen.Width/2,screen.Height);// /4
+            SetupPanel.Location = new Point(screen.Width / 4, 0);
             //DefaultPanel.BackColor = Color.Blue; //DEBUG
+            SetupPanel.Paint += DefaultPaint;
+            //money buttons
             int goofyIndex = 0; //dw
             for(int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                 for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                     Button b = new Button();
-                    b.Size = new Size(DefaultPanel.Width / 4, DefaultPanel.Height / 5);
-                    b.Location = new Point(i * b.Size.Width, DefaultPanel.Height - b.Size.Height*j);
+                    b.Size = new Size(SetupPanel.Width / 4, SetupPanel.Height / 6); // /2
+                    b.Location = new Point(i * b.Size.Width, SetupPanel.Height - b.Size.Height*j);
                     b.Name = goofyIndex.ToString(); // for getting the index for chipInfo later
                     (int, string, Color) chip = chipInfo[goofyIndex];
@@ -67,30 +79,59 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
                     b.Click += moneyButtonClick;
-                    DefaultPanel.Controls.Add(b);
+                    SetupPanel.Controls.Add(b);
-            Controls.Add(DefaultPanel);
+            // Deal button
+            Button dealButton = new Button();
+            dealButton.Text = "DEAL";
+            dealButton.Size = new Size(SetupPanel.Width/4, SetupPanel.Height / 6);
+            dealButton.Location = new Point(SetupPanel.Width /2 - dealButton.Width/2, SetupPanel.Height /4);
+            dealButton.Font = new Font(BJFont, dealButton.Size.Width / 5);
+            dealButton.BackColor = Color.DodgerBlue;
+            dealButton.Click += (object o, EventArgs e) =>
+            {
+                if (deploydMoney == 0)
+                    return;
+                SetupPanel.Hide();
+                GamePanel.Show();
+                state = BJSTATE.Game;
+            };
+            SetupPanel.Controls.Add(dealButton);
+            Controls.Add(SetupPanel);
+            #endregion
-            //Setup
-            SetupPanel = new Panel();
+            #region GamePanel
             GamePanel = new Panel();
+            GamePanel.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue; //DEBUG
+            GamePanel.Hide(); //Hide until the game state is reached
+            Controls.Add(GamePanel);
+            #endregion
+            #region ResultPanel
             ResultPanel = new Panel();
+            ResultPanel.Hide(); //Hide until the result state is reached
+            Controls.Add(ResultPanel);
+            #endregion
         private void moneyButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
             Button b = (Button) sender;
             (int, string, Color) chip = chipInfo[int.Parse(b.Name)];
-            if(money > chip.Item1)
+            if(money >= chip.Item1)
-                //bababababa
+                deploydMoney += chip.Item1;
+                money -= chip.Item1;
+            Invalidate(true);
         private void BlackJack_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
@@ -104,7 +145,7 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             switch(state) // paint according to the current state
                 case BJSTATE.Setup:
-                    Setup_Paint(g);
+                    //Setup_Paint(g);
                 case BJSTATE.Game:
@@ -114,10 +155,16 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
-        private void Setup_Paint(Graphics g)
+        private void DefaultPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
+            Graphics g = e.Graphics;
+            // draw deployd money
+            // Might update this to butiful chipss
+            string s = "Deployd Money: " + deploydMoney.ToString();
+            Font deplMoneyFont = new Font(BJFont, SetupPanel.Width / 20, FontStyle.Bold);
+            SizeF pf = g.MeasureString(s, deplMoneyFont);
+            PointF p = new PointF(SetupPanel.Width / 2 - pf.Width / 2, SetupPanel.Height / 2);
+            g.DrawString(s, deplMoneyFont, Brushes.Black, p);
         private void Game_Paint(Graphics g)