diff --git a/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs b/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs
index 36cd1263d950ebad308df6b32f764c5a93e8247c..7c39545f01996bbc3c01ff39b800ab993768d949 100644
--- a/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs
+++ b/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs
@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
 using System.Drawing;
+using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using System.Windows.Forms;
 namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
-    enum BJSTATE // the different states the game can be in
+    enum BJRESULTS // the different results after a round
-        Setup,  // choose how much money the player deploys
-        Game,   // play the game
-        Result, // see te result and then restart
+        Lost,
+        Won,
+        Blackjack,  // player scored 21 points
+        Draw        // same score
     struct Card
@@ -26,7 +31,9 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
     internal class BlackJack : Form
-        BJSTATE state;
+        BJRESULTS result;
+        bool roundFinished = false;
+        bool resultReady = false;
         int money;
         int deployedMoney = 0;
         readonly FontFamily BJFont = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif;
@@ -51,7 +58,7 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
         public BlackJack()
-            state = BJSTATE.Setup;
+            result = BJRESULTS.Lost; //init
             WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
             DoubleBuffered = true;
             BackColor = Color.DarkGreen;
@@ -100,23 +107,25 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
         private void SetupUI()
-            //Setup
+            //setup
             #region SetupPanel
             SetupPanel = new Panel();
-            SetupPanel.Size = new Size(screen.Width/2,screen.Height);
-            SetupPanel.Location = new Point(screen.Width / 4, 0);
+            SetupPanel.Size = screen; //SetupPanel.Size = new Size(screen.Width/2,screen.Height);
+            SetupPanel.Location = new Point(0, 0); //SetupPanel.Location = new Point(screen.Width / 4, 0);
             //DefaultPanel.BackColor = Color.Blue; //DEBUG
             SetupPanel.Paint += Setup_Paint;
             //money buttons
             int goofyIndex = 0; //dw
-            for(int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
-                for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+            const int rows = 4;
+            const int cols = 2;
+            for(int j = 1; j <= cols; j++)
+                for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                     Button b = new Button();
-                    b.Size = new Size(SetupPanel.Width / 4, SetupPanel.Height / 6); // /2
-                    b.Location = new Point(i * b.Size.Width, SetupPanel.Height - b.Size.Height*j);
+                    b.Size = new Size(SetupPanel.Width / 8, SetupPanel.Height / 6); // w/8
+                    b.Location = new Point(i * b.Size.Width + rows / 2 * b.Size.Width, SetupPanel.Height - b.Size.Height * j);
                     b.Name = goofyIndex.ToString(); // for getting the index for chipInfo later
                     (int, string, Color) chip = chipInfo[goofyIndex];
@@ -143,12 +152,12 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
-            //Game
+            //game
             #region GamePanel
             GamePanel = new Panel();
             GamePanel.Paint += Game_Paint;
-            GamePanel.Size = new Size((int)(screen.Width / 1.5), screen.Height);
-            GamePanel.Location = new Point((screen.Width - GamePanel.Size.Width)/2, 0);
+            GamePanel.Size = screen; //GamePanel.Size = new Size((int)(screen.Width / 1.5), screen.Height);
+            GamePanel.Location = new Point(0, 0); //GamePanel.Location = new Point((screen.Width - GamePanel.Size.Width)/2, 0);
             //GamePanel.BackColor = Color.Red; //DEBUG
@@ -156,22 +165,26 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             HitButton.Text = "HIT";
             HitButton.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
+                if (roundFinished) // don't let the player draw cards when the round is already finished
+                    return;
+                if (getValue(playerCards) >= BLACKJACK) //if it is a bust or blackjack the game is automaticly over
+                    EndGame();
             HitButton.BackColor = Color.Red;
             HitButton.Size = new Size(GamePanel.Width/5, GamePanel.Height/5);
-            HitButton.Location = new Point(0, GamePanel.Height / 2 - HitButton.Size.Height / 2);
+            HitButton.Location = new Point(GamePanel.Width/4 - HitButton.Width/2, GamePanel.Height / 2 - HitButton.Size.Height / 2);
             HitButton.Font = new Font(BJFont, HitButton.Size.Width/3, FontStyle.Bold);
+            // stand button
             Button StandButton = new Button();
             StandButton.Text = "STAND";
-            StandButton.Click += standButtonClick;
+            StandButton.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => EndGame();
             StandButton.BackColor = Color.Blue;
             StandButton.Size = new Size(GamePanel.Width / 5, GamePanel.Height / 5);
-            StandButton.Location = new Point(GamePanel.Width-StandButton.Width, GamePanel.Height / 2 - StandButton.Size.Height / 2);
+            StandButton.Location = new Point(GamePanel.Width - GamePanel.Width/4 - StandButton.Width/2, GamePanel.Height / 2 - StandButton.Size.Height / 2);
             StandButton.Font = new Font(BJFont, StandButton.Size.Width / 6,FontStyle.Bold);
@@ -180,14 +193,19 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
-            //Result
+            //result
             #region ResultPanel
             ResultPanel = new Panel();
             ResultPanel.Hide(); //Hide until the result state is reached
+            ResultPanel.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
+            ResultPanel.Size = screen;
+            //ResultPanel.Paint += Result_Paint;
+        //button logic
         private void moneyButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
             Button b = (Button) sender;
@@ -213,29 +231,84 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             dealerCards.Add((PopCard(), true));   //visable card
-            state = BJSTATE.Game;
+            result = BJRESULTS.Won;
+        }
+        // end of the game, fancy async methode
+        private async void EndGame()
+        {
+            roundFinished = true;
+            // check for blackjack or bust (above 21 so player loses)
+            int playerScore = getValue(playerCards);
+            if (playerScore == BLACKJACK)
+                result = BJRESULTS.Blackjack;
+            else if (playerScore > BLACKJACK)
+                result = BJRESULTS.Lost;
+            else // if the player scored below 21 then the dealer must draw cards
+                 await DealerAnimation(); // fancy Asynchronous animation function
+            resultReady = true;
+            Invalidate(true);
-        private void standButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
+        private Task DealerAnimation()
+            return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
+            {
+                Thread.Sleep(200); //wait 0.2 sec for the fun
+                for (int i = 0; i < dealerCards.Count; i++)  // flip all the cards that where invisable
+                    if (!dealerCards[i].Item2)
+                        dealerCards[i] = (dealerCards[i].Item1, true);
+                Invalidate(true);
+                Thread.Sleep(1000); // just a little more
+                int playerScore = getValue(playerCards);
+                int dealerScore = getValue(getVisableDealerCards());
+                // let the dealer hit until it has above 17 points (dealer will hit on soft 17 type shit)
+                // also if the dealer has a higher score then the player then the dealer won, so no need to push the luck and draw more cards
+                // if the dealer has the same score then it is a draw and the dealer will not draw more cards
+                while (dealerScore <= 17 && dealerScore < playerScore)
+                {
+                    dealerCards.Add((PopCard(), true));
+                    dealerScore = getValue(getVisableDealerCards()); // update dealer score
+                    Invalidate(true);
+                    Thread.Sleep(1000);
+                }
+                Thread.Sleep(500);
+                if (dealerScore > BLACKJACK) // dealer bust
+                    result = BJRESULTS.Won;
+                else if (dealerScore > playerScore) // dealer has higher score then player
+                    result = BJRESULTS.Lost;
+                else if (dealerScore == playerScore)
+                    result = BJRESULTS.Draw;
+                else
+                    result = BJRESULTS.Won;
+            });
+        // paint events for all the different states
         private void BlackJack_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) //this will always get drawn
             Graphics g = e.Graphics;
             Font moneyFont = new Font(BJFont, defaultFontSize, FontStyle.Bold);
-            g.DrawString("Money: $" + money.ToString(), moneyFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF(0,0));
+            //g.DrawString("Money: $" + money.ToString(), moneyFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF(0,0));
         private void Setup_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
             Graphics g = e.Graphics;
+            DrawMoney(g);
             // draw deployd money
             // Might update this to butiful chipss TODO
-            string s = "Deployd Money: $" + deployedMoney.ToString();
-            Font deplMoneyFont = new Font(BJFont, SetupPanel.Width / 20, FontStyle.Bold);
+            string s = "Deployed Money: $" + deployedMoney.ToString();
+            Font deplMoneyFont = new Font(BJFont, SetupPanel.Width / 40, FontStyle.Bold);
             SizeF pf = g.MeasureString(s, deplMoneyFont);
             PointF p = new PointF(SetupPanel.Width / 2 - pf.Width / 2, SetupPanel.Height / 2);
             g.DrawString(s, deplMoneyFont, Brushes.Black, p);
@@ -244,7 +317,9 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
         private void Game_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
             Graphics g = e.Graphics;
-            int cardWidth = 250;
+            DrawMoney(g);
+            int cardWidth = screen.Width/8; //lucky number
             int cardHeight = (int)(cardWidth * cardMultply);
             // draw cards for player and dealer
             for(int i = 0; i < playerCards.Count; i++)
@@ -285,13 +360,61 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             PointF deployedStrPos = new PointF(GamePanel.Width/2 - deployedSF.Width / 2,GamePanel.Height/2 - deployedSF.Height/2);
             g.DrawString(deployedString,f, Brushes.Black, deployedStrPos);
+            // draw result text when ready
+            if (resultReady)
+                Result_Paint(g);
+        }
+        private void DrawMoney(Graphics g)
+        {
+            Font moneyFont = new Font(BJFont, defaultFontSize, FontStyle.Bold);
+            g.DrawString("Money: $" + money.ToString(), moneyFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF(0, 0));
         private void Result_Paint(Graphics g)
+            string resultText = "";
+            Font f = new Font(BJFont, screen.Width / 10,FontStyle.Bold);
-        }
+            switch (result)
+            {
+                case BJRESULTS.Lost:
+                    resultText = "YOU LOSE";
+                    break;
+                case BJRESULTS.Won:
+                    resultText = "YOU WINNN";
+                    break;
+                case BJRESULTS.Blackjack:
+                    resultText = "!BLACKJACK!";
+                    break;
+                case BJRESULTS.Draw:
+                    resultText = "draw";
+                    break;
+            }
+            SizeF size = g.MeasureString(resultText, f);
+            Point pos = new Point(GamePanel.Width / 2 - (int)(size.Width / 2), GamePanel.Height / 4 - (int)(size.Height / 2));
+            GraphicsPath p = new GraphicsPath();
+            p.AddString(
+                resultText,             // text to draw
+                BJFont,  // or any other font family
+                (int)FontStyle.Bold,      // font style (bold, italic, etc.)
+                g.DpiY * screen.Width / 10 / 72,       // em size
+                pos,              // location where to draw text
+                new StringFormat());          // set options here (e.g. center alignment)
+            Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, screen.Width / 50);
+            g.DrawPath(pen, p);
+            g.DrawString(resultText,f,Brushes.Red, pos);
+        }
+        // some draw thingies
         private void DrawChip(Graphics g, Color c, int r, Point pos, string value)
             // Chip
@@ -322,7 +445,7 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             Image img = SettingForm.GetEmbeddedImage("BlackJack.cards." + cardName + ".png");
             g.DrawImage(img, pos.X, pos.Y, width, (float)(width * cardMultply)); //img is 500x726
+        // interact with the cards methodes
         private Card PopCard()
             if (cardsLeft.Count == 0)