diff --git a/PuzzlePlayer/Maze.cs b/PuzzlePlayer/Maze.cs
index de9e46ff48a95827b7cf1618c47c4d6b3247213f..0f44895bab1f926ccc5c84857a27507e469aa218 100644
--- a/PuzzlePlayer/Maze.cs
+++ b/PuzzlePlayer/Maze.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Diagnostics;
 using System.Drawing;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
 namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
@@ -35,25 +37,14 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
         int[,] mazeState;
         int[,] visitedCells;
-        public Maze(int size = 6)
+        Point playerPos;
+        List<Point> shortestPath;
+        public Maze(int size = 20)
+            //drawFactor = 1;
             // init all 2D array's
-            /*
-            // example thingy (DELETE LATER)
-            mazeState[0, 0] = 5;
-            mazeState[1, 0] = 3;
-            mazeState[2, 0] = 11;
-            mazeState[0, 1] = 11;
-            mazeState[1, 1] = 8;
-            mazeState[2, 1] = 6;
-            mazeState[0, 2] = 12;
-            mazeState[1, 2] = 4;
-            mazeState[2, 2] = 5;
-            boardState[0, 2] = 1;
-            */
         private void Reset(int size)
@@ -77,16 +68,16 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             if (cell.left)
                 result += 8;
-            if (result == 0)
-                return emptySpace; //if there are no walls then the space is empty
+            //if (result == 0)
+                //return emptySpace; //if there are no walls then the space is empty
             return result;
         private (bool,bool,bool,bool) getWallsFromNumber(int number)
-            if(number == emptySpace)
-                return (true,true,true,true); //if the place is empty then it is completly walled in,
+            //if(number == emptySpace)
+            //    return (true,true,true,true); //if the place is empty then it is completly walled in,
                                               //so that the walls can be removed when generating the maze
             // bitwise and opperations to check each bit
@@ -101,12 +92,18 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
         public override void Draw(Graphics gr, Rectangle r)
             // clear screen
-            gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkGreen, r);
+            gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Wheat, r);
             Size tilesize = new Size(r.Width / boardState.GetLength(0), r.Height / boardState.GetLength(1));
             Pen wall = new Pen(Color.Black, tilesize.Width / 5);
-            for(int i = 0; i < boardState.GetLength(0); i++)
+            //debug colors
+            //Pen wall1 = new Pen(Color.Black, tilesize.Width / 5);
+            //Pen wall2 = new Pen(Color.Blue, tilesize.Width / 5);
+            //Pen wall3 = new Pen(Color.Green, tilesize.Width / 5);
+            //Pen wall4 = new Pen(Color.Purple, tilesize.Width / 5);
+            for (int i = 0; i < boardState.GetLength(0); i++)
                 for(int j = 0; j < boardState.GetLength(1); j++)
                     Rectangle currentRect =
@@ -118,7 +115,6 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
                     // draw board outline
                     // drawing walls
                     (bool top,bool right,bool bottom,bool left) = getWallsFromNumber(mazeState[i,j]);
@@ -131,11 +127,16 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
                         gr.DrawLine(wall, currentRect.Left, currentRect.Bottom, currentRect.Right, currentRect.Bottom);
                     if (left)
                         gr.DrawLine(wall, currentRect.Left, currentRect.Bottom, currentRect.Left, currentRect.Top);
             // draw an indication of where the start and end from the maze are
-            gr.DrawString("START", SettingForm.mainFont, Brushes.Red, r.Left, r.Top + tilesize.Height/2);
-            gr.DrawString("END", SettingForm.mainFont, Brushes.Red, r.Right - tilesize.Width / 4, r.Bottom - tilesize.Height / 2);
+            gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, r.X, r.Y, tilesize.Width, tilesize.Height);
+            gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, r.X + tilesize.Width*(boardState.GetLength(0)-1), r.Y + tilesize.Height * (boardState.GetLength(1)-1), tilesize.Width, tilesize.Height);
+            //gr.DrawString("START", SettingForm.mainFont, Brushes.Red, r.Left, r.Top + tilesize.Height/2);
+            //gr.DrawString("END", SettingForm.mainFont, Brushes.Red, r.Right - tilesize.Width / 4, r.Bottom - tilesize.Height / 2);
         // this methode generates a Maze starting with an empty board
@@ -149,11 +150,15 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             Random rnd = new Random();
             int x = rnd.Next(mazeState.GetLength(0));
             int y = rnd.Next(mazeState.GetLength(0));
-            RND_Recursive_DepthFirstSearchMaze(x,y);
+            if (Recursive_DepthFirstSearchMazeGenerator(x, y))
+                Debug.WriteLine("Maze succesfully generated");
+            else
+                Debug.WriteLine("nope");
-        private bool RND_Recursive_DepthFirstSearchMaze(int x, int y)
+        private bool Recursive_DepthFirstSearchMazeGenerator(int x, int y)
             visitedCells[x, y] = 1; // mark current cell as visited (this is needed for the first cell)
@@ -167,16 +172,32 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             foreach ((int nx,int ny) neighbour in validNeigbours)
+                if (visitedCells[neighbour.nx, neighbour.ny] == 1)
+                    continue;
                 visitedCells[neighbour.nx,neighbour.ny] = 1; // mark as visited and update all the walls that are effected
                 UpdateWalls(x,y, neighbour.nx,neighbour.ny);
-                if(RND_Recursive_DepthFirstSearchMaze(neighbour.nx,neighbour.ny)) //recursion
+                if(BoardComplete())
+                    return true;
+                if(Recursive_DepthFirstSearchMazeGenerator(neighbour.nx,neighbour.ny)) //recursion
                     return true; // if true then the maze is finished and this cell should return true too
             return false; // backtrack if all the neighbours are already visited
+        private bool BoardComplete()
+        {
+            for(int i = 0;i<visitedCells.GetLength(0);i++)
+                for(int j = 0;j<visitedCells.GetLength(1);j++)
+                {
+                    if (visitedCells[i, j] == emptySpace)
+                        return false;
+                }
+            return true;
+        }
         // update the walls between two cells
         private void UpdateWalls(int x, int y, int x2, int y2)
@@ -248,21 +269,138 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
         // don't have much in common in regards to solving. So most of the code in the abstract Board class is to no use for us here
         public override SOLUTIONS Solve(bool CheckOnly)
-            List<Move> shortestPath = new List<Move>();
+            visitedCells = GetClearBoard(mazeState.GetLength(0));
+            boardState = GetClearBoard(mazeState.GetLength(0));
+            shortestPath = new List<Point>();
+            shortestPath.Add(new Point(0,0)); // starting point
+            bool foundSolution = Recursive_DepthFirstSearchMazeSolve(0, 0);
+            if(CheckOnly && foundSolution)
+                return SOLUTIONS.UNIQUE;
+            else if(!CheckOnly && foundSolution)
+            {
+                foreach(Point p in shortestPath)
+                {
+                    boardState[p.X, p.Y] = 1;
+                }
+            }
             return SOLUTIONS.NONE;
+        // we solve the maze in almost the same way as we generated the maze
+        private bool Recursive_DepthFirstSearchMazeSolve(int x, int y)
+        {
+            visitedCells[x, y] = 1; // mark current cell as visited (this is needed for the first cell)
+            // get a list of all the unvisited neigbour cells
+            List<(int, int)> validNeigbours = getNeigbours(x, y, emptySpace);
+            if (validNeigbours.Count == 0)
+            {
+                shortestPath.RemoveAt(shortestPath.Count-1); // remove path if we backtrack
+                return false; // backtrack
+            }
+            validNeigbours.Shuffle(); //shuffle the neigbours around for random results everytime
+                                      //(Shuffle methode from the extentions class in the Board.cs file
+            foreach ((int nx, int ny) neighbour in validNeigbours)
+            {
+                // if the neighbour is already visited or it is a invalid neighbour then continue to the next
+                if (visitedCells[neighbour.nx, neighbour.ny] == 1 || !isValidNeighbour(x,y,neighbour.nx,neighbour.ny))
+                    continue;
+                visitedCells[neighbour.nx, neighbour.ny] = 1; // mark as visited
+                shortestPath.Add(new Point(neighbour.nx, neighbour.ny)); // mark as correct path
+                // if the bottom right space is reached then we found a solution
+                if (neighbour.nx == (mazeState.GetLength(0)-1) && neighbour.ny == (mazeState.GetLength(1)-1))
+                    return true;
+                if (Recursive_DepthFirstSearchMazeSolve(neighbour.nx, neighbour.ny)) //recursion
+                    return true; // if true then the maze is finished and this cell should return true too
+            }
+            shortestPath.RemoveAt(shortestPath.Count - 1); // remove path if we backtrack
+            return false; // backtrack if all the neighbours are already visited
+        }
+        private bool isValidNeighbour(int x, int y, int nx, int ny)
+        {
+            // get the walls from the two cells
+            (bool top, bool right, bool bottom, bool left) first = getWallsFromNumber(mazeState[x, y]);
+            (bool top, bool right, bool bottom, bool left) second = getWallsFromNumber(mazeState[nx, ny]);
+            int dx = x - nx;
+            int dy = y - ny;
+            if (dx == -1)
+            {
+                if (!(first.right && second.left))
+                    return true;
+            }
+            else if (dx == 1)
+            {
+                if (!(first.left && second.right))
+                    return true;
+            }
+            else if (dy == -1)
+            {
+                if (!(first.bottom && second.top))
+                    return true;
+            }
+            else if (dy == 1)
+            {
+                if (!(first.top && second.bottom))
+                    return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
         // this methode is not needed because we write our own Solve methode
         protected override List<Move> GetSolveList(int[,] boardToSolve)
             return null;
+        /* Add later
+        public override void TileInput(Point p, Keys key)
+        {
+            (bool top, bool right, bool bottom, bool left) = getWallsFromNumber(mazeState[p.X,p.Y]);
+            switch (key)
+            {
+                case Keys.Up | Keys.W:
+                    if (!top)
+                        playerPos.Y++;
+                    break;
+                case Keys.Down | Keys.S:
+                    if (!bottom)
+                        playerPos.Y--;
+                    break;
+                case Keys.Right | Keys.D:
+                    if (!right)
+                        playerPos.X++;
+                    break;
+                case Keys.Left | Keys.A:
+                    if (!left)
+                        playerPos.X--;
+                    break;
+            }
+            // upadte the spaces where the player has walked
+            boardState[playerPos.X, playerPos.Y] = 1;
+        }
+        */
         public override void TileInput(Point p, int x)
             throw new NotImplementedException();
+        public override void TileClick(Point p, int x)
+        {
+            //MessageBox.Show($"{mazeState[p.X, p.Y]}");
+        }