diff --git a/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs b/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs
index c9dc833fe0ed4134e1c4c92f3050f225d3b30489..cc471e25e68d0c7f170c30ad8a0d20bb4eb82f5a 100644
--- a/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs
+++ b/PuzzlePlayer/BlackJack.cs
@@ -21,9 +21,16 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
     struct Card
-        string name;    // for drawing the card, needs to be in format num_of_kind
-        int value;      // value of the card
-        int value2;     // some cards have two values
+        public string name;    // for drawing the card, needs to be in format num_of_kind
+        public int value;      // value of the card
+        public int value2;     // some cards have two values
+        public Card(string n, int val, int val2)
+        {
+            name = n;
+            value = val;
+            value2 = val2;
+        }
     internal class BlackJack : Form
@@ -40,12 +47,12 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
         Panel GamePanel;
         Panel ResultPanel;
-        List<Card> cards;
+        List<Card> cardsLeft;
+        List<Card> playerCards;
+        List<(Card,bool)> dealerCards; // boolean is to keep track if the card is shown
         (int,string,Color)[] chipInfo = { (5,"5",Color.Gray), (25, "25", Color.Blue), (50, "50", Color.Green), (100, "100", Color.DarkCyan), (500, "500", Color.Purple), (1000, "1K", Color.Red), (5000, "5K", Color.Orange), (10000, "10K", Color.Gold) };
-        public object Int { get; private set; }
         public BlackJack()
             state = BJSTATE.Setup;
@@ -54,10 +61,39 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             Paint += BlackJack_Paint;
             money = ReadMoney();
+            cardsLeft = getAllCards();
+        List<Card> getAllCards()
+        {
+            List<Card> cards = new List<Card>();
+            string[] numbers = { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "ace", "jack", "king", "queen" };
+            string[] kinds = { "clubs", "diamonds", "hearths", "spades" };
+            foreach (string kind in kinds)
+            {
+                foreach (string num in numbers)
+                {
+                    int val, val2 = 0;
+                    if (num == "jack" || num == "king" || num == "queen")
+                        val = 10;
+                    else if (num == "ace") // if it is an ace the player can chose between 1 or 11
+                    {
+                        val = 11;
+                        val2 = 1;
+                    }
+                    else
+                        val = int.Parse(num);
+                    cards.Add(new Card(num + "_of_" + kind,val,val2));
+                }
+            }
+            cards.Shuffle();
+            return cards;
+        }
         private int ReadMoney() //TODO read money from local file
             return 1000;
@@ -102,14 +138,7 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             dealButton.Location = new Point(SetupPanel.Width /2 - dealButton.Width/2, SetupPanel.Height /4);
             dealButton.Font = new Font(BJFont, dealButton.Size.Width / 5);
             dealButton.BackColor = Color.DodgerBlue;
-            dealButton.Click += (object o, EventArgs e) =>
-            {
-                if (deployedMoney == 0)
-                    return;
-                SetupPanel.Hide();
-                GamePanel.Show();
-                state = BJSTATE.Game;
-            };
+            dealButton.Click += dealButtonClick;
@@ -137,8 +166,6 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
         private void moneyButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
             Button b = (Button) sender;
@@ -152,6 +179,21 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
+        private void dealButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
+        {
+            if (deployedMoney == 0)
+                return;
+            SetupPanel.Hide();
+            playerCards.Add((Card)PopCard()); // give both dealer and player cards
+            dealerCards.Add(((Card)PopCard(), false)); //hided card
+            playerCards.Add((Card)PopCard());
+            dealerCards.Add(((Card)PopCard(), true));
+            GamePanel.Show();
+            state = BJSTATE.Game;
+        }
         private void BlackJack_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
             Graphics g = e.Graphics;
@@ -190,7 +232,19 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
         private void Game_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
             Graphics g = e.Graphics;
-            DrawCard(g, new Point(0, 0), 200, "9_of_spades");
+            for(int i = 0; i < playerCards.Count; i++)
+            {
+                int ba = 200;
+                Point p = new Point(i*200);
+                DrawCard(g, p, 200, playerCards[i].name);
+            }
+            foreach(Card c in playerCards)
+            {
+                Point p = new Point();
+                DrawCard(g, p, 200, c.name);
+            }
         private void Result_Paint(Graphics g)
@@ -228,5 +282,14 @@ namespace PuzzlePlayer_Namespace
             Image img = SettingForm.GetEmbeddedImage("BlackJack.cards." + cardName + ".png");
             g.DrawImage(img, pos.X, pos.Y, width, (float)(width * 1.4)); //img is 500x726
+        private Card? PopCard()
+        {
+            if (cardsLeft.Count == 0)
+                return null;
+            Card c = cardsLeft[cardsLeft.Count - 1];
+            cardsLeft.RemoveAt(cardsLeft.Count - 1);
+            return c;
+        }